Volume: 17  Issue: 3 - 2020
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1.Investigation of Compressibility Characteristics of Paracetamol using Compaction Simulator
Yıldız Özalp, Joseph Turemi Chunu, Nailla Jiwa
Pages 249 - 253
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışmada basım sırasında verileri kaydeden bir alet olan compaction simulator (CS) kullanılarak sıkışabilirlik özellikleri zayıf olan toz parasetamolün basılabilirlik davranışları incelendi. Çalışmanın amacı, kuru granülasyon (slugging) yöntemi ile hazırlanan farklı formülasyonlardaki parasetamol tabletlerin basılabilirlik özelliklerinin incelenmesidir.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Laktoz bazlı iki değişik dolgu maddesi olarak Flowlac®100 ve Granulac®70 ile bağlayıcı olarak Kollidon®K90 kullanılarak hazırlanan farklı formülasyonların basılabilirliği üzerine bu maddelerin etkisi gözlendi. Her kombinasyon için parasetamol: yardımcı madde oranı 1: 1 ve 0.8: 1 olan toplam 4 formülasyon hazırlandı. Tabletler tek zımbalı (11.29 mm) CS'de altı farklı basınçta (152, 210, 263, 316, 400, 452 MPa) üretildi. Sıkıştırma sırasında üst zımba ötelemesi ve zımba kuvvet verileri CS cihazı çıktılarıdır. Basılan tabletleride sertlik, kalınlık ve ağırlık sapması testleri yapıldı ve sonuçlar birbirleri ile mukayese edildi.
BULGULAR: Bütün formülasyonlar en büyük gerilme direncine 263-316 MPa sıkıştırma aralığındaki basınçta ulaştılar. Bağlayıcı olmayan ve aynı oranda dolgu maddesi içeren formülasyonlarda Granulac®70 içerenler, Flowlac®100 içerenlere göre daha yüksek gerilme direnci göstermiştir. Sonuçlara göre, formülasyonlara bağlayıcı ilavesi (F-45-1, F-45-2, F-50-3 and F-50-4), parasetamolün basılabilirliğini iyileştirmiştir. Flowlac®100 ve bağlayıcı içeren F-45-2 formülasyonu 2.9 MPa basınçta daha iyi bir basılabilirlik göstermiştir. CS verileri belli formülasyonlarda (F-45-1 and F-45-2) Young modülleri ve basım çalışmaları sonuçlarını karşılaştırmada kullanılmıştır.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Parasetamolün düşük basınçta basılabilirliği laktoz bazlı dolgu maddesi olan Flowlac®100 ile başarıyla sağlanabilmiştir.
INTRODUCTION: This study was performed to understand the behavior of poorly compressible paracetamol powder using compaction simulator (CS), an equipment which records data during compaction process. The aim of this work was to investigate the compressibility of paracetamol tablet using dry granulation (slugging) process, with different formulation compositions.
METHODS: Formulations were prepared to observe the effect on compressibility with two different lactose-based fillers, Flowlac®100, Granulac®70 and binder Kollidon® K90. In each combination, total of four formulations were prepared with paracetamol to filler ratio as 1: 1 and 0.8: 1. Tablets were produced by single punch (11.28 mm) compaction simulator at six different pressures (152, 210, 263, 316, 400, 452 MPa). During compression, upper punch displacement and force data were produced by CS equipment. Compressed tablets were tested for hardness, thickness and weight variation and compared with each other.
RESULTS: All formulations reached maximum tensile strength at compaction pressures between 263-316 MPa. In formulations without binder, formulations containing Granulac®70 had higher tensile strength than formulations containing Flowlac®100 at both filler ratios. Results obtained, indicated that the addition of binder in formulations (F-45-1, F-45-2, F-50-3 and F-50-4), improved compressibility of paracetamol. Formulation F-45-2, containing Flowlac®100 and binder showed better compressibility at 2.9 MPa tensile strength. Data from compaction simulator, was used to compare Young’s Modulus and work of compaction on selected formulations (F-45-1 and F-45-2).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Proposed lactose-based filler; Flowlac®100 with low pressure can be successfully applicable for improving compressibility of paracetamol. Optimum formulation can be designed with less amount of materials using compaction simulator.

2.Knowledge and Attitudes of Hospital Pharmacist About COVID-19
Emre Kara, Kutay Demirkan, Serhat Unal
Pages 249 - 253
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Tüm dünyada COVID-19 vakaları ve bu hastalığa bağlı ölümler bildirilmiştir. Bir sağlık uzmanı olarak eczacılar COVID-19 hakkında doğru bilgilerin topluma iletilmesinde önemli rol üstlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada hastane eczacılarının COVID-19 hakkındaki bilgi ve tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışma kapsamında 7. Ulusal Hastane ve Kurum Eczacıları Kongresine katılan hastane eczacılarına bir anket uygulandı. Bu ankette yer alan sorular, Türkiye COVID-19 Bilim Kurulu Kılavuzu (COVID-19 Kılavuzu) kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur.
BULGULAR: Çalışmada %72,6’sı kadın olmak üzere toplam 237 katılımcıya ait anket değerlendirilmiştir. Katılımcıların bilgi kaynağı olarak en çok medyayı (televizyon, gazete), interneti (bilimsel kaynaklar), interneti (bilimsel olmayan kaynaklar) ve sosyal medyayı kullandığı saptanmıştır (sırasıyla %60,3, %53,6, %53,2 ve %41,4). Katılımcıların COVID-19 ile ilgili bilgi ve tutumlarında yaşın ve kullandıkları bilgi kaynaklarının önemli etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların %72,6’sı korunma amaçlı cerrahi maske kullanmadığını bildirmiştir. Katılımcıların, hastalığın damlacıkla bulaştığı (%91,1) ve hastalığın genel semptomları (ateş; %92,4, öksürük; %84,4, solunum güçlüğü %60,3) konularında bilgi sahibi oldukları görülmüştür. Katılımcıların geneli tarafından, ileri yaşın (%84,8) ve eşlik eden hastalıkların (%80,2) COVID-19 için risk faktörü olduğunun bilindiği saptanmıştır. Hastalıktan korunmak için ellerin sabunla yıkanması (%92,0), el dezenfektanı kullanılması (%80,6), hasta kişilerle temasın önlenmesi (%81,9) sıklıkla belirtilen cevaplar arasında yer alsa da, katılımcıların %59,1’i N95 maske kullanımının da gerekli olduğunu belirtmiştir. Katılımcıların %43,9’unun tuzlu su ile burnu yıkamanın, hastalığı önlemede etkili olduğuna inandığı görülmüştür.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Klasik medya ve sosyal medya toplumun ve sağlık profesyonellerinin tutumlarını etkilemektedir. Doğru bilginin sağlanması için medya araçlarını kullanmak, hastalığın yayılmasını önlemek ve kontrol etmek için önemlidir.
INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 cases and deaths related to virus were reported in all over the world. Pharmacists play important roles in conveying accurate information about COVID-19 to the community. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of hospital pharmacists about COVID-19.
METHODS: A questionnaire were applied to the pharmacists participating in the 7th National Hospital and Institution Pharmacists Congress. The questions included in this questionnaire were created using the Turkish COVID-19 Scientific Committee guideline (COVID-19 Guideline).
RESULTS: Analyzes of 237 questionnaires (72.6% women) showed that media (television, newspaper), internet (non-scientific resources), internet (scientific resources) and social media were the most popular sources of information (60.3%, 53.6%, 53.2% and 41.4%, respectively). It was detected that the age and source of information that the participants use had an important influence on the participants’ knowledge and attitudes towards COVID-19 infection. Majority of the participants (72.6%) were stated that they were not using any mask at all. Transmission of the disease by airborne was well known by the participants (91.1%), as well as the main symptoms such as fever (92.4%), cough (84.4%) and dyspnea (60.3%). The participants were aware of the risk groups for COVID-19 infection such as advanced age (84.8%) and having comorbidities (80.2%). Washing hands with soap (92.0%), using hand disinfectants (80.6%) and avoiding contact with sick people (81.9%) were popular answers for protection from the disease, however using N95 mask was also preferred by 59.1% of the participants. Prevention of the disease with rinsing the nose with saline was believed in by 43.9% of the participants.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Classical media and social media affect the attitudes of both society and health professionals. Using media tools for accurate information is one of the basic conditions for preventing and controlling the spread of the disease.

3.Method Validation of Contact and ImmersionTLC-bioautography for Determination of Streptomycin Sulfate in Shrimp
Febri Annuryanti, Isnaeni isnaeni, Asri Darmawati, Iftitahatur Rosyidah, Aprelita Nurelli Dwiana
Pages 254 - 258
INTRODUCTION: Contact and immersion Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)-bioautography have been developed for identification and quantification of streptomycin sulfate in shrimp. The TLC of streptomycin sulfate standard solution has been carried out by using silica gel F254 and 7.5 % of KH2PO4 solution as stationary and a mobile phase respectively. The bioautograpy was performed by Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 as a test bacterial. Limit of Detection, linearity, accuracy, percentage recovery, and coefficient variation of the contact and immersion TLC-bioautography were employed as validation parameters.

METHODS: 1. Applying antimicrobial analytes on the TLC plate and eluted with KH2PO4 solution.
2. Contact TLC-bioautography method was performed by put the TLC chromatogram plate on the surface of the agar medium inoculated with the test bacteria, incubated for 24 hour.The antimicrobial activity was devoted by the inhibitory zone around the reservoir hole on the surface agar media or the spot position on the TLC-bioautogram plate.
3. The Immersion bioautography was performed by sprayed until the plate is covered by test media containing the test bacteria at temperature of 45oC.The plate then cooled to condense and allow for diffusion process.
RESULTS: Limit of Detection (LOD) of streptomycin sulfate obtained by the contact and immersion TLC-bioautography were 0.24 µg and 0.16 µg, respectively. Both methods gave r-value more than 0.999 and the Vxo value less than 2%. Percentage recoveryof contact and immersion were 86.93±1.60% and 96.42±0.65%, respectively, with coefficient of variation were 2.39±1.79% and 0.53±0.17 %, respectively.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The method validated can be used to simultaneously determine the streptomycin sulfate and kanamycin sulfate in a common market frozen shrimp. Those simple methods are recommended for monitoring antibiotics abused in frozen foods, especially for streptomycin at the concentration of 0.16 µg.


4.Microemulsion based gel of sulconazole nitrate for topical application
Pages 259 - 264
INTRODUCTION: Sulconazole is a broad spectrum anti-fungal agent of imidazole class used against dermatophytes and other fungi to treat skin infections. The aim of present work was to formulate and evaluate microemulsion based topical sulconazole gel.
METHODS: Microemulsion formulation of sulconazole nitrate was prepared by using oil, surfactant, cosurfactant and water at different ratio. This was then subjected to clarity, particle size analysis, centrifugation test, dilution test, freeze thawing.
RESULTS: Zeta – potential of formulation F1 was found to be -41.3 and stable. pH of the microemulsion formulation was found within the range of pH of skin. The formulation F1 showed higher amount percentage drug as compared with other formulations. The viscosity showed that the formulation F1 was optimum. The freezing and thawing results showed there was no phase separation and the formulation was found to be stable. In vitro drug release showed that the drug release from the microemulsion formulation F1 was found to be higher when compared to other formulations. It revealed F1 formulation with highest drug content of 95.88±0.3% and % cumulative drug release was found to be 88.75 % release in 8 h. In vivo skin irritation study on rats confirmed that formulation was non toxic and non irritant.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study of present work confirmed the safety of the formulated sulconazole loaded microemulsion gel for topical application.

5.Obtaining Stem Cell Spheroids from Foreskin Tissue and the Effect of Corchorus olitorius L. on Spheroid Proliferation
Eda Becer, Günsu Soykut, HILAL KABADAYI, Emil Mammadov, İhsan Çalış, Seda Vatansever
Pages 265 - 270
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Mezenkimal kök hücreler kendi kendini yenileyebilme özelliğine sahiptir. Sünnet derisinin kök hücre kaynağı olarak kullanılması potansiyeli vardır. Çalışmanın amacı, yeni doğmuş insan sünnet derisi izole hücrelerinden (hnFSSCs) sferoid oluşumunu elde etmektir. Bunlara ek olarak, Kıbrıs’a özgü geleneksel bir bitki olan Corchorus olitorius L. bitkisinin hnFSSCs sferoidleri üzerindeki apoptotik ve proliferatif etkilerinin araştırılması da amaçlanmıştır.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Rutin sünnet prosedüründen sonra hücreler izole edildi ve uygun ortamda kültür edildi. Bitki yaprakları etanol ile ekstre edildi ve içerik analizi LC-MS / MS yöntemi ile yapıldı. Sünnet derisi kök hücreleri CD 45, CD34, CD 90 antikorları kullanılarak immünositokimyasal olarak karakterize edilmiştir. hnFSSC sferoidleri asılı damla tekniği kullanılarak oluşturuldu. Elde edilen sferoidler daha sonra C. olitorius ekstraktı ile 48 saat süre muamele edildikten sonra kaspaz-3 ve Ki-67'nin dağıtımı için immünofloresan boyama yöntemiyle boyandı.

BULGULAR: İmmünoboyama analiz sonuçları, hnFSSC'lerin CD45, CD34 için pozitif fakat CD90 için negatif olduğunu gösterdi. LC-MS/MS sonuçlarına göre C. olitorius bitkisinin, flavanoller ve hidro-sinnamik asit türevleri içerdiği saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sferoidler gevşek ve yüzer vaziyette olmalarına rağmen hücreler birbirleri ile etkileşim halindeydi. Kaspaz-3 aktivitesi kontrol grubunda ekstrakt grubuna göre daha yüksekti ve ekstraksiyon uygulanan grupta Ki-67 aktivitesi kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksek bulundu. Bu sonuçlar, bitkinin polifenol içeriğinden dolayı kök hücre proliferasyonunu artırma kapasitesine sahip olabileceğini göstermektedir.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: hnFSSC'lerin ve sferoidlerin kök hücre üretimi ve doku onarımı ve yenilenmesinin bir parçası olarak kullanılabilme potansiyeli, sünnet derisinin kök hücre kaynağı olarak kullanılması durumunda mevcuttur. C. olitorius içerdiği polifenollerinden dolayı kök hücrelerin proliferasyonunu artıran etki göstermeyi başarmıştır.
INTRODUCTION: Mesenchymal stem cells are self-renewing stem cells. Human foreskin has potential to be used as a source of stem cell. The aim of the study was to obtain spheroid formation of human foreskin isolated cells (hnFSSCs) which were isolated from newborn human foreskin tissue. In addition, to further investigate the apoptotic and proliferative effects of a traditional plant Corchorus olitorius L. on hnFSSCs spheroids.
METHODS: After routine circumcision procedure the cells were isolated and cultured in suitable medium. The plant leaves was extracted with ethanol and composition analysis was done by LC-MS/MS method. The foreskin stem cells were characterized immunocytochemically for distribution of CD 45, CD34, CD 90. hnFSSC spheroids were formed using the hanging drop technique. The obtained spheroids were then stained by immunofluorescence method for distribution of caspase-3 and Ki-67 after treated with C. olitorius extract for 48 h.
RESULTS: Immunostaining analysis showed that hnFSSCs were positive for CD45, CD34 and negative for CD90. According to LC-MS/MS C. olitorius plant was rich in flavanols and hdyrocinnamic acid derivatives. The obtained spheroids were loose and floating but the cells were still intact. Caspase-3 activity was higher in control group than extract treated group and Ki-67 was higher in extracted treated group than control group suggesting that the plant might has the capacity to increase stem cell proliferation due to its rich polyphenolic content.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results suggest that hnFSSCs and using spheroids might be used as a part of stem cell generation and tissue repair and renewal as human foreskin tissue has potential to be used as stem cell source. C. olitorius also increased proliferation of hnFSSCs showing polyphenols might increase proliferation of stem cells.

6.In Vitro Studies of Jatropha Curcas L. Latex Spray Formulation for Wound Healing Applications
KITTIYA TINPUN, Titpawan Nakpheng, Alwar Ramanujam Padmavathi, Teerapol Srichana
Pages 271 - 279
INTRODUCTION: There is an increasing demand for wound healing products of natural origin. Our objective is to develop a spray formulation from Jatropha curcas L. latex extracts for wound healing applications.
METHODS: J. curcas L. latex was subjected to solvent extraction. The phytochemical structure was elucidated by 1H-NMR and confirmed by LC-MS spectrometry. A topical spray formulation prepared from J. curcas latex extracts were evaluated in antimicrobial activity and radical scavenging activity. The toxicity of formulation on fibroblast cell line, collagen production and wound healing activities were carried out.
RESULTS: The 1H-NMR and mass spectrometric analyses revealed pure compound as curcacycline A. The J. curcas latex extract formulation had radical scavenging activity and antibacterial activities. Moreover, the formulation was not toxic to the human fibroblast cells while it stimulated collagen production and healed cell injury in 24 h.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The J. curcas latex extract promoted the wound healing after cell injury. Our findings could rise the possibility of utilizing the J. curcas latex extract spray formulation as a potential the antibacterial, antioxidant and wound healing product from nature.

7.Pyrophen isolated from endophytic fungi Aspergillus fumigatus strain KARSV04 synergizes the effect of doxorubicin in killing MCF7 but not T47D cells
Puji Astuti, Ika Buana Januarti, Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul Kiromah, Hidayah Anisa Fitri, Wahyono Wahyono, subagus wahyuono
Pages 280 - 284
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Aspergillus fumigatus KARSV04'ten izole edilen amino asit-piron türevi olan pirofen, hücrelerin büyümesini engeller ve S fazındaki hücre döngüsünü modüle ederek T47D hücreleri üzerinde antikanser etkisi gösterdiği rapor edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, doksorubisin (Dox) kemoterapisindeki pirofen meme kanseri modelinde “in vitro” modeli üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Pirofen, doksorubisin ve kombinasyon halindeki sitotoksisite, MTT tahlili kullanılarak T47D ve MCF-7 hücrelerinde değerlendirildi. Hücre döngüsü dağılımı ve apoptozis modülasyonu akış sitometrisi ile incelendi.
BULGULAR: Bulgularımız, pirofen, T47D hücrelerinde Dox kaynaklı sitotoksisiteyi önemli ölçüde artırmadığını gösterdi. Pirofen eklenmesi, 9.20 µg/mL konsantrasyonunda Dox ile muamele edilmiş T47D hücrelerine S-faz hücre popülasyonunda hafif bir artışa neden oldu. Bu bileşik, IC50 70.57 µg/mL olan MCF-7 hücrelerinin sitotoksisitesini tesir etmistir. MCF-7 hücrelerinde pirofen ve Dox’un birlikte işlenmesi, sadece Dox ile karşılaştırıldığında sitotoksisiteyi arttırmıştır; bu, kısmen G2/M fazındaki hücre döngüsünün modülasyonu ve apoptoz nedeniyle önerilmiştir.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Veriler, pirofen uygulamasına cevap olarak iki farklı hücre çizgisi tarafından hücre ölümünü teşvik etmede farklı düzenleme mekanizmaları olduğunu göstermektedir.
INTRODUCTION: Pyrophen, an amino acid-pyrone derivative isolated from Aspergillus fumigatus strain KARSV04 has been reported to exhibit anticancer effect on T47D cells by inhibiting the growth of the cells and modulate the cell cycle on S phase. Present study, effect of pyrophen in the doxorubicin (Dox) chemotherapy on an in vitro model of breast cancers was studied.
METHODS: The cytotoxicity of pyrophen, doxorubicin and in combination were evaluated in T47D and MCF-7 cells using MTT assay. Modulation on cell cycle distribution and apoptosis was examined by flow cytometry.
RESULTS: Our findings showed that pyrophen did not significantly potentiate Dox-induced cytotoxicity in T47D cells. Adding Dox treated T47D cells with pyrophen at concentration of 9.20 µg/mL induced slight increase of S-phase cell population. This compound induced cytotoxicity of MCF-7 cells with IC50 of 70.57 µg/mL. Co-treatment of pyrophen and Dox in MCF-7 cells increased cytotoxicity relative to Dox alone, which was suggested in part due to modulation of cell cycle at G2/M phase and apoptosis.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The data suggest different mechanisms of regulation in promoting cell death by two different cell lines in response to administration of pyrophen.

8.A synbiotic mixture augmented the efficacy of doxepin, venlafaxine, and fluvoxamine in mice model of depression
Azadeh Mesripour, Andiya Meshkati, Valiolah Hajhashemi
Pages 293 - 298
INTRODUCTION: Currently available antidepressant drugs have notable downsides; in addition to their side effects and slow onset of action their moderate efficacy in some individuals, may influence compliance. Previous literature has shown that probiotics may have antidepressant effects. Introducing complementary medicine in order to augment the efficacy of therapeutic doses of antidepressant drugs seems to be very important. Therefore the effect of adding a synbiotic cocktail in drinking water was assessed in mice model of despair following administrating three antidepressant drugs belonging to different classes.
METHODS: The marble burring test (MBT), and forced swimming test (FST) were used as animal model of obsessive behavior and despair. The synbiotic cocktail was administered in mice drinking water (6.25×106 CFU) for 14 days and the tests were performed on the days 7 and 14 thirty minutes after injecting the lowest dose of doxepin (1 mg/kg), venlafaxine (15 mg/kg), and fluvoxamine (15 mg/kg).
RESULTS: After 7 days of the synbiotic ingestion immobility time decreased in FST for doxepin (92 sec ± 5.5) and venlafaxine (17.3 sec ± 2.5) compared to their control group (drinking water) but fluvoxamine could decrease immobility time after 14 days of ingesting the synbiotic (70 sec ± 7.5). The synbiotic cocktail pre-administration improved the MBT test response for venlafaxine, while it did not change the results for the other two drugs.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Adding synbiotic to drinking water improved the efficacy of discrete antidepressant drugs particularly during the FST. Probiotics could be useful complementary medicine for drug resistant depressed individuals.

9.In vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of biogenically synthesized palladium and platinum nanoparticles using botryococcus braunii
Tejpal Singh Chundawat, Khushbu Gupta, Anju Arya
Pages 299 - 306
INTRODUCTION: Context: The spreading of infectious diseases and the increase in the drug resistant among microbes has forced the researchers to synthesize biologically active nanoparticles. Improvement of eco-friendly procedure for the synthesis of nanoparticles is growing day by day in the field of nanobiotechnology.
Objectives: In the present study we use the extract of green alga Botryococcus braunii for the synthesis of palladium and platinum nanoparticles and evaluation of their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity.
METHODS: Methods and Material: Green alga was collected from Udaisagar Lake Udaipur (Rajasthan, India) and isolated by serial dilution method and grown on Chu-13 nutrient medium. The characterization of alga synthesized palladium and platinum nanoparticles was carried out by using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron spectroscopy. The zone of inhibition was measured by agar well plate method and minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by agar dilution assay for antimicrobial activity. Antioxidant activity of nanoparticles was also studied by DPPH method.
RESULTS: Results: Stable palladium and platinum nanoparticles were successfully produced by using green alga. XRD pattern revealed about crystalline nature and SEM micrographs have shown the morphology of biogenically synthesized metal nanoparticles.FT-IR measurements showed all functional groups having control over stabilization and reduction of the nanoparticles. Green synthesized nanoparticles exhibited antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram negatives bacterial strains, antifungal activity against fungus and also demonstrates antioxidant activity.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Conclusion: The biogenic synthesis of metal nanoparticles can be promising process for production of other transition metal nanoparticles and also new nanocatalyst will revolutionise the synthesis of organic heterocycles.

10.Mapping the impact of polar aprotic solvent on microstructure and dynamic phase transition in glycerol monooleate/ oleic acid system
Marzuka Shoeb Kazi, Mohammed Hassan Dehghan
Pages 307 - 318
INTRODUCTION: The impact of incorporating a polar aprotic solvent, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to glycerol monooleate (GMO)/ oleic acid (OA) system was evaluated briefly, on purpose to map its influence on gel microstructure and dynamic phase transition in controlling performance of polyene antifungal drug delivery system.
METHODS: An in-situ gelling fluid precursor system (IGFPS) exhibiting inverse lyotropic liquid crystalline (LLC) phases was developed by simple solution add- mixture method. Polarized light microscopy (PLM), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and oscillatory rheological assessments were performed to ascertain microstructural modulations. The developed system was examined for minimum gelling volume, gelling time, swelling behavior, mucoadhesion, in-vitro antifungal activity and in-vitro drug release.
RESULTS: SAXS study identifies coexistence of Im3m cubic phase with HCP P63/mmc hexagonal structures. SAXS and DSC data highlight DMSO’s unique ability to work both as a kosmotropic or chaotropic solvent and to be a function of its concentration. In-vitro antifungal test results point out the concentration of DMSO to be a controlling factor in drug release and diffusion. In-vitro drug release kinetic studies reveal most of the gel samples to follow matrix model and anomalous type release as implied by Peppas model.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Finally, the antifungal IGFPS formulated were found to have the required low viscosity, responsive sol–gel phase transition, appreciative mechanical properties and desirable antifungal effect with sustained drug release performance.

11.Phytochemical screening and establishment of antidiabetic potentiality of aqueous leaf extract of endangered plant Decalepis nervosa in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Kuntal Das, Saifulla Khan M, James Sounder, Usha Mohan, Venkatesh Prasad s
Pages 319 - 328
INTRODUCTION: To evaluate presence of phytochemicals in AEDN plant species (Aqueous leaf extract of Decalepis nervosa) and antidiabetic activity in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats.
METHODS: Either sex rats were grouped into 5 classes. Alloxan monohydrate was used as induced diabetic whereas glibenclamide was used as standard drug. Medicinal endangered plant DN aqueous extract was used with two different doses. Diabetic was induced with Alloxan monohydrate at 150 mg/kg b.w. The AEDN was standardized with Pharmacognostical and phytochemical screening and chemical test confirmed the presence of phytoconstituents like glycoside, alkaloid, phenols, and flavonoids. Acute toxicity was performed for dose selection in antidiabetic study.
RESULTS: Glibenclamide at 5 mg/kg b.w. and AEDN (200 mg and 400 mg) extract were given to all diabetic induced rats. The reduction of the blood glucose level may have correlation with the presence of plant secondary metabolites (flavonoid and phenolic compound) which was identified by TLC and confirmed by HPLC studies. The decreased level of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and liver enzymes activity resulted dose dependency of AEDN extract. OGTT was performed by administration of 200 mg and 400 mg of aqueous extract of DN and 5 mg of glibenclamide to different groups respectively which significantly lower after oral glucose load during blood sample collection. Animal body weight and dose of AEDN extract showed significant effect on blood glucose level (**P<0.01).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The first report on the phytochemicals and therapeutic activity of AEDN leaf was established with potential antidiabetic activity by increased insulin secretion via enhanced peripheral glucose utilization mechanism.

12.Phytochemical Constituents, Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity Assessment of the Seed of Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae)
oyindamola Olajumoke Abiodun, Mesoma Esther Nnoruka, Rasidat Olufunke Tijani
Pages 343 - 348
INTRODUCTION: Increased generation of free radicals exceeding the antioxidant capacity of the host is deleterious. Thus the search for new, potent and safe antioxidants will be a valuable addition to the limited antioxidant arsenals available. Therefore, the antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity potential and phytochemical constituents of the methanol extract of Spondias mombin seed (MESSM) were investigated.

METHODS: 2, 2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were the antioxidant assays used. Cytotoxicity of MESSM was evaluated against rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cell line in a MTT based assay. Phytochemical constituents of MESSM were identified using GC-MS.

RESULTS: MESSM produced better antioxidant activity in DPPH (IC50 = 58.64 ± 1.49 µg/mL) and H2O2 (IC50 = 44.03 ± 5.57 µg/mL) than in the NO (IC50 = 494.55 ± 12.68 µg/mL, p<0.0001) assays. Also, MESSM was non-toxic (CC50 = 139.6 ± 0.54 µg/mL) in comparison to cyclophosphamide (CC50 = 0.97 ± 0.03 µg/mL) against RD cell line. The major compounds in MESSM were dodecanoic acid (22.48%), tetradecanoic acid (17.95%), n-hexadecanoic acid (15.35 %), Capsaicin (12.11%) and dihydrocapsaicin (5.23 %).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The seed extract of S. mombin contains non-toxic antioxidant compounds that could be explored in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries for development of antioxidant agents.


13.The Cardiopulmonary Effects of Calcitonin-Gene Related Peptide Family
Pages 349 - 356
Kardiyopulmoner hastalıklar toplumda sık görülen, tedavi maliyeti oldukça yüksek ve halen kesin bir tedavisi bulunmayan hastalıklardır. Kalsitonin-geni ile ilişkili peptit ailesinin üyelerinin bir çok kardiyopulmoner hastalıktaki rolleri uzun yıllardır çalışılmakta ve umut vadeden sonuçlar elde edilmektedir. Özellikle son yıllarda CGRP ailesine ait peptitlerden adrenomedullin ve intermedin kardiyopulmoner hastalıklarda yeni tedavi hedefleri olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu derleme ile CGRP ailesi peptitlerinin kardiyopulmoner hastalıklardaki roller günümüze kadar yapılan çalışmalar doğrultusunda incelenmiştir.
The cardiopulmonary diseases are very common in the population. They are high-cost diseases and there are still no definitive treatments. The roles of members of the calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) family in the cardiopulmonary diseases have been studied for many years and promising results are obtained. Especially in recent years, two important members of the family, adrenomedullin and adrenomedullin2/intermedin, are considered as new treatment targets in cardiopulmonary diseases. In this review, the roles of CGRP family peptides in cardiopulmonary diseases has been investigated according to the studies that were performed to the present day.