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1. | Are We Prepared for Disasters? Ali Sarıdaş doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.25593 Page 0
Abstract |
2. | Assessing Tetanus Vaccine Knowledge and Attitudes Among Emergency Department Physicians: A Comprehensive Investigation Tufan Akın Giray, Ali Sağlık, Ayşegül Akçebe, Tarık Ocak doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.49369 Page 0
3. | Assessment of Bronchiolitis severity by using Modified Tal and BROSJOD scores Lale Alıbaylı, Alper Kaçar, Mey Talip Petmezci, Yelda Turkmenoglu doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.10437 Page 0
4. | Comparative outcomes of first metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis in hallux valgus versus hallux rigidus Mehmet Baris Ertan, Murat Yuncu, Volkan Buyukarslan, Ibrahim Etli, Ozkan Kose doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.23600 Page 0
5. | Editorial Ismail Demirkale doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.29484 Page 0
Abstract |
6. | General Characteristics and Mortality Risk Factors in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit SAMET ATEŞ, Abdulrahman Özel, Servet Yuce, Ülkem Koçoğlu Barlas, Nurettin Onur Kutlu, Meltem Erol doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.79653 Page 0
7. | High heterotopic ossification occurs in acetabulum fracture patients undergoing combined hip surgery with plate fixation Enver İpek, Ali Erkan Yenigül, Kemal Durak, Mühammed Sadık Bilgen doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.38039 Page 0
8. | Pain and Neurologist: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Patterns, Management, and Training Implications Çile Aktan, PINAR ÖZTÜRK doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.30164 Page 0
9. | The Comparison of Arthroplasty & Internal Fixation for Proximal Femur Fractures Ömer Faruk Kümbüloğlu, Evrim Duman, Erbil Aydın doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.98216 Page 0
10. | The Effect of Nocturia Etiology on Quality of Life in Individuals Over the Age of 65 Yeliz Culha, Emine Ergin, Secil Erden Melikoglu, Mehmet Gokhan Culha doi: 10.14744/eamr.2025.33600 Page 0