Volume: 19  Issue: 6 - 2022
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1.Websites as a Gate of Pharmacy Schools to the World: Is national accreditation cause a difference?
Leyla Yumrukaya, Bilge Sozen Sahne, Selen Yeğenoğlu
Pages 666 - 670
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: İnternet siteleri günlük hayatımızın önemli bir parçası olmanın yanı sıra ana bilgi kaynağı ve aynı zamanda küresel bir ağ haline geldi. Bu kapsamda, eczacılık fakültelerinin internet siteleri yalnızca eğitim içerikleri ile değil, aynı zamanda bu fakültelerin dünyaya açılan kapısı olması açısından da önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, literatürde yer alan kriterlere dayalı olarak eczacılık fakültelerinin internet sitelerinin değerlendirilmesi ve ulusal eczacılık lisans eğitim akreditasyonunun buna etkisinin incelemesi amaçlanmıştır.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Türkiye'deki tüm eczacılık fakültelerinin internet siteleri belirlenen önceden belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda incelenmiş ve kriterlerin mevcudiyeti puanlanmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirme için t-testi ve eşleştirilmiş örneklem t-testi yapılmıştır.
BULGULAR: Vakıf veya devlet üniversitelerine bağlı fakülteler ile akredite olan veya olmayan eczacılık fakültelerinin internet siteleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır (p>0,05). Ayrıca, internet sitelerinin 2012 ve 2021 yıllarının puanları karşılaştırıldığında bu iki farklı yıl için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı gösterilmiştir (p>0,05).

TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Türkiye’deki eczacılık fakültelerinin büyük bir kısmının devlet üniversitelerine bağlı fakülteler olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, henüz tüm fakültelerin akreditasyon sürecini tamamlamadığı görülmüştür. Bu kapsamda, 39 fakülteden sadece 14'ünün akredite olduğu görülmüştür. Devlet üniversitelerine bağlı fakültelerin kriterlerin her birinden aldıkları puanların toplamı vakıf üniversitelerine bağlı fakültelerden daha yüksek bulunmuştur ve bunlar arasından özellikle akredite fakültelerin internet sitelerinin puanları daha yüksektir. Ancak, akredite ve akredite olmayan fakülteler ile devlet ve vakıf üniversitelerine bağlı fakülteler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. İnternet siteleri yükseköğretim kurumları için, bir iletişim aracı olarak, tartışılmaz bir öneme sahiptir. Bu nedenle, eczacılık fakülteleri, internet teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerle içine düştüğümüz sanal dünyayı da göz önünde bulundurarak çağın gerekliliklerini yakından takip etmelidir. Sonuç olarak, internet sitelerinin içerikleri ve düzenlenmesi ile ilgili daha ileri çalışmalar yapılmalı ve eczacılık fakültelerinin internet sitelerinin kalitesi de geliştirilmeli ve güncel tutulmaya çaba harcanmalıdır.
INTRODUCTION: Websites became the main information source, being crucial element of our daily life and also a global network. In this context, the importance of websites of pharmacy schools is considered not only for their educational mission but also for their gates to the world. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the websites of pharmacy schools based on criteria issued in the literature.
METHODS: Websites of all pharmacy schools in Turkey have been evaluated by scoring availability of predetermined items. t-tests and paired sample t-test were conducted to compare the groups.
RESULTS: As a result, we found that there is no statistical difference between private or public and accredited or non-accredited schools (p>.05). Also, we observed no statistical difference between the scores in 2012 and 2021 (p>.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The majority of schools were public, and the accreditation status still seems challenging. Of the 39 schools, only 14 schools are accredited. Total scores of public schools were found higher than the private ones and notably, accredited schools have higher scores. Yet, statistically there is no difference between accredited and non-accredited schools or public and private schools. Importance of websites as a communication tool for higher education institutions is indisputable. In conclusion, pharmacy schools should keep up to date their official websites, considering the virtual world we fell into with the web technologies’ developments. Also, further studies should be conducted on content of websites of pharmacy schools regarding user demands. And we suggest that pharmacy schools’ website quality should be improved and keeping them up to date should be ensured.

2.Poloxamer and Chitosan-based In Situ Gels Loaded with Orthosiphon Stamineus Extracts Containing Rosmarinic Acid for the Treatment of Ocular Infections
Ravi Sheshala, Ng Zing Wai, IQBAL DANIAL Said, Kamran Ashraf, Siong Meng Lim, Kalavathy Ramasamy, Farrukh Zeeshan
Pages 671 - 680
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Orthosiphon stamineus (OS), küresel olarak bakteriyel enfeksiyonları engellemek için yaygın olarak kullanılan bir tıbbi bitkidir. Mevcut araştırmanın amacı, standartlaştırılmış sulu etanolik OS yaprak ekstreleri ile yüklü poloksamer ve kitosan bazlı in situ jelleri formüle etmek ve oküler enfeksiyonlara karşı potansiyel bir çare olarak antimikrobiyal etkinliklerini araştırmaktı.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Soğuk dispersiyon yöntemiyle hazırlanan %0.5 w/v OS özü içeren in situ jeller, in vitro salım çalışmaları dahil olmak üzere fizikokimyasal karakterizasyon açısından değerlendirildi. Antimikrobiyal etkinlik, agar difüzyon yöntemi kullanılarak S. aureus, M. luteus, E. coli ve P. aeruginosa'ya karşı test edildi.
BULGULAR: TLC ve HPLC kromatogramları, referans standartlarına göre aynı Rf (0.26 ve 0.49) ve alıkonma süreleri (12.2 ve 20.7 dakika) ile OS özütünde rosmarinik asit (RA) ve sinensitin varlığını doğruladı. Homojen bir kahverengi renkli in situ jeller, bir çözelti olarak düşük viskozite ve oküler sıcaklıkta jel formunda artan viskozite sergiledi. Optimize edilmiş formülasyonlar, P7 (%21 P407/%4 P188), P8 (%21 P407/%5 P188) ve F5 (%1.5 kitosan ve %45 β-gliserofosfat), ideal oküler pH (7.27-7.46), faz geçişi sergiledi. oküler sıcaklıkta (33-37◦C) ve 12 saat boyunca sürekli RA salınımı. Formülasyon F5, M. luteus'a karşı 4.3 mm'lik bir inhibisyon bölgesi gösterdi.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Hepsi arasında, tek başına formülasyon F5, M. luteus'a karşı orta düzeyde antimikrobiyal aktivite sergiledi. %5 ve %10'daki OS özleri, test edilen bakterilere karşı en aktifti, ancak bunları yerinde jellere yüklemek çökelme ile sonuçlandı. Bu nedenle, daha iyi bir antimikrobiyal aktivite için formülasyonlara yüklenmeden önce OS özünden RA'nın izolasyonu önerilir.
INTRODUCTION: Orthosiphon stamineus (OS) is a commonly used medicinal plant to curb bacterial infections globally. The objective of this work was to fabricate poloxamer and chitosan-based in situ gels loaded with standardized aqueous-ethanolic OS leaf extracts and investigate their antimicrobial efficacy as a potential remedy against ocular infections.
METHODS: In situ gels containing 0.5% w/v OS extract prepared using cold dispersion method were subjected to physicochemical characterization including in vitro release studies. Antimicrobial efficacy was tested against S. aureus, M. luteus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa using agar diffusion method.
RESULTS: TLC and HPLC chromatograms confirmed the presence of rosmarinic acid (RA) and sinensitin in OS extract with same Rf (0.26 and 0.49) and retention times (12.2 and 20.7 min) against reference standards. A homogenous brown coloured in situ gels exhibited low viscosity as a solution and increased viscosity in gel form at ocular temperature. The optimized formulations, P7 (21% P407/4% P188), P8 (21% P407/5% P188) and F5 (1.5% chitosan and 45% β-glycerophosphate) exhibited ideal ocular pH (7.27-7.46), phase transition at ocular temperature (33-37ºC) and prolonged RA release up to 12 h. Formulation F5 demonstrated an inhibition zone of 4.3 mm against M. luteus.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Among all, formulation F5 alone exhibited modest antimicrobial activity against M. luteus. OS extracts at 5 and 10% were most active against tested bacteria however, loading them into in situ gels resulted in sedimentation. Hence, isolation of RA from OS extract is suggested prior to loading into formulations for a better antimicrobial activity.

3.Whole genome sequencing of antibiotic resistant genes in isolates from surfaces in a Science Laboratory
Christiana Jesumirhewe, Aisha Olamide Abdusalam, Werner Ruppitsch
Pages 681 - 685
INTRODUCTION: Isolates obtained from laboratory surfaces were identified and characterized.
METHODS: Ten consecutive isolates were obtained from 30 sample surfaces of a University science laboratory in Edo state Nigeria in May 2021. Swabs of surfaces from the Laboratory were aseptically obtained. The sample swabs were streaked on MacConkey, eosin methylene blue, mannitol salt and Nutrient agar plates respectively and incubated appropriately. Distinct colonies were randomly obtained from culture plates and characterized phenotypically. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry was used to analyze four isolates (40%) obtained by selection criteria. Susceptibility testing using antibiotics was performed for the identified isolates by Kirby-Bauer method for 15 antibiotics. Isolate characterization and identification of resistance determinants were determined using Whole genome sequencing (WGS).
RESULTS: Microorganisms identified include Leclercia adecarboxylata, Enterobacter hormaecehi, Atlantibacter hermanii and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Three identified isolates were resistant to antibiotics and were investigated by whole genome sequencing (WGS). Resistance genes were found in all (100%) of the resistant laboratory isolates. The resistance determinants included β-lactamase genes, aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, qnr genes, sulphonamide, tetracycline and trimethoprim resistance genes, respectively. Two isolates were carrying ESBL genes and blaCTX-M-15 was detected.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our study shows the dissemination of antibiotic resistance among isolates obtained from surfaces of a University science laboratory. To the best of our knowledge we report the first genomic characterization of resistance to antibiotics in isolates obtained from surfaces of a University science laboratory for Nigeria.

4.Risk Perception and Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccine in Nigeria
Chinonyerem Ogadi Iheanacho, Okechukwu Harrison Enechukwu, Chinelo Aguiyi-Ikeanyi
Pages 686 - 693
INTRODUCTION: Vaccines are anticipated to control the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, however their acceptance is critical for the desired benefit. This study assessed risk perceptions of COVID-19, acceptability of its vaccine and socio-demographic associations of its acceptability in Nigeria.
METHODS: A cross-sectional web-based study was conducted among 410 participants in Nigeria’s six geo-political regions, using a three-part questionnaire. The questionnaire link was distributed via snowball method to consenting participants through online platforms. Study outcome measures were acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine, and risk perception of COVID-19 by study participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 24. P-values≤0.05 were considered statistically significant.
RESULTS: A total of 410 respondents participated in the study and high risk perception of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) was seen in 127(66.1%) of respondents. Vaccine acceptance was high in 233(56.8%) of respondents and was significantly associated with geo-political region (P=0.028). Moderate positive relationship (r = 0.3) was found between risk perception and acceptability of COVID-19 vaccine, and the correlation was statically significant (P = 0.000).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: High risk perception of COVID-19 was found in over half of the respondents, and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rate was a little over 50%. However, the study noted regional association with vaccine acceptance among study participants. Therefore, strategic and targeted messaging on vaccine acceptance should be prioritised by stakeholders, to ensure successful vaccine implementation.

5.Pharmacist’s Knowledge and Behaviors toward Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Process in Turkey
Aslınur Albayrak, Bensu Karahalil
Pages 694 - 700
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Advers ilaç reaksiyonları, (AİR'ler) hastalarda morbidite ve mortaliteyi artırmakta ve hastanede kalış süresinin uzamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu da artan maliyet ile ilişkili önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Farmakovijilans, AİR'lerin azaltılmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır, bu nedenle bu bilimin gelişimi, etkili ve güvenli klinik uygulama için kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de eczacıların farmakovijilans ve spontan AİR bildirimlerine yönelik bilgi ve davranışlarını değerlendirmektir.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: .Çalışmaya katılmadan önce onam alınan eczacılarla, çevrimiçi anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket Google Form'a yüklenmiştir. Anket bağlantısı, sosyal medya kanalları aracılığıyla uygun bulunan katılımcılara elektronik olarak dağıtılmıştır. Türkiye’deki eczacıların farmakovijilans pratiği bilgisi, AİR raporlama uyum oranları, AİR raporlamama nedenleri ve farmakovijilans pratiklerine ilişkin algıları değerlendirilmiştir
BULGULAR: 406 eczacı (%45) araştırmaya katılmayı kabul etmiştir. Eczacıların %81.8'i farmakovijilans terimini doğru tanımlamıştır. %91,6'sı Türk Farmakovijilans Merkezi'nin adını bilmektedir. Klinik eczacıların ve hastane eczacılarının serbest eczacılara göre daha iyi düzeyde bilgi sahibi oldukları bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Eczacıların %18,7'si daha önce AİR bildirdiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Eczacıların çoğu, AİR'lerin bildirilmemesinin en önemli nedenleri olarak; spontan raporlamanın nasıl ve nerede yapılacağını bilmemek, tek bir spontan raporlamanın fark yaratmayacağını düşünmek ve raporun ekstra iş yaratacağı fikrini benimsemek olduğunu belirtmiştir.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Bu sonuçlar Türk eczacılarının farmakovijilans kavramı ve spontan AİR raporlama sistemi hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak, raporlama konusunda çok az deneyimleri bulunmaktadır. Eczacıların raporlama süreci ve gereksinimleri hakkında bilgi ve raporlama deneyimlerini artırmaya yönelik eğitim programları devam etmelidir.
INTRODUCTION: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) increase patient-related morbidity and mortality. In addition, it is an important public health problem associated with prolonged hospital stay and increasing economic burden. Pharmacovigilance plays an important role in reducing ADRs, so the development and growth of this science is critical to effective and safe clinical practice. The aim of the study is to evaluate the knowledge and behavior of pharmacists towards pharmacovigilance and spontaneous ADR notifications in Turkey.
METHODS: The online questionnaire method was used with the pharmacists whose prior consent was obtained to participate in the study. The survey was uploaded onto Google Form. The survey link was distributed electronically to the eligible participants via social media channels. The knowledge of pharmacovigilance practice, ADR reporting compliance rates, reasons for not reporting ADR and perceptions of the Turkish pharmacists on pharmacovigilance practice were evaluated.
RESULTS: 406 pharmacists (45%) agreed to participate in the study. 81.8% of the pharmacists correctly defined the term pharmacovigilance. 91.6% knew the name of Turkish Pharmacovigilance Center. Clinical pharmacists and hospital pharmacists were found to be more adequate knowledge than community pharmacists (p<0.05). 18.7% of pharmacists stated that they had previously reported ADRs. Most of the pharmacists stated that the most important reason for not reporting ADRs was not knowing how and where spontaneous reporting should be done, a single spontaneous reporting would not make a difference and the report would generate extra work.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: These results showed that Turkish pharmacists had sufficient knowledge about the concept of pharmacovigilance and the spontaneous ADR reporting system. However, they had little experience in reporting. Training programs should continue to increase the knowledge and reporting experience of pharmacists about the reporting process and requirements.

6.Determination of Factors Influencing Pharmacists While Recommending Immune-Enhancing Products Via Analytic Hierarchy Process
Nilay Tarhan, Miray Arslan
Pages 701 - 705
INTRODUCTION: Immune enhancers are taken attention day by day. Besides, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increasing demand for immune enhancers. Pharmacists are seen as trustable providers about complementary and alternative medicines, dietary and herbal supplements, immune-enhancers, and so on. This study aims to prioritization of criteria that affect community pharmacists' recommending behavior regarding immune enhancers.
METHODS: This paper adopts the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to rank different criteria substantial for affecting community pharmacists' recommending behavior regarding immune enhancers. In this direction, firstly seven criteria were identified through literature review and views of pharmacists who have community pharmacy experiences. These are; (i) ease of access, (ii) selling price, (iii) package, (iv) content (appropriateness to patient health status), (v) expectation of patient, (vi) quality, and (vii) trust to the manufacturer. Then, a questionnaire including criteria was prepared and delivered to community pharmacists. The data obtained from 93 participants were transferred to the SuperDecisions software. The hierarchical structure of the analytic hierarchy process was established, and pair-wise comparisons were made.
RESULTS: This study showed that the most important criterion was the ease of access (28%). Secondly, pharmacists give importance to the content of the product while advising immune-enhancers (%22). Besides, it was determined that the least important criterion was the package of the product (4%).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study will contribute to the literature by facilitating the process of assessing factors that pharmacists pay attention to while recommending immune-enhancing products. In addition, the present study results will shed light on firms, producing such products, to shape their supply chain management strategies, especially about marketing and selling.

7.Evidence for health-promoting properties of Lepidium sativum L.: an updated comprehensive review
Yalda Hekmatshoar, Tulin Ozkan, Yalda Rahbar Saadat
Pages 714 - 723
Lepidium sativum L. (L. sativum) is a common herb distributed worldwide, used as food ingredient and therapeutic agent in traditional medicine for treating health related disorders. L. sativum and its extracts have been reported to represent numerous biological activities including anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, antidiarrheal, anti-cancer and numerous health-promoting effects in animal and in vitro studies. The aim of this review is to discuss and highlight the findings that describes important biological functions and therapeutic effects of L. sativum in different cell lines and animal models. In this review, the English-language articles were gathered from electronic databases including PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar with no time limit applied to any database. The search terms used in this review include, ‘Lepidium sativum L.' and/or ‘chemical composition’, ‘health benefits', ‘antimicrobial’, ‘antioxidant’, ‘anticancer’, ‘diuretic’, ‘nephro-protection’, 'antidiarrheal', ‘anti-diabetic’, ‘anti-asthmatic’, ‘neuroprotection’, ‘metabolic’, ‘bone fracture’, and ‘reproductive performance’. Additional and eligible studies were collected from reference lists of appropriate articles. The information presented will be helpful to attract more interest towards medicinal plants by defining as well as developing novel clinical applications and new drug formulations in the future. Pre-clinical studies exhibited that L. sativum, possess potent health-promoting effects involving various molecular mechanisms. Taken all together, data suggested that identified herbal plants such as L. sativum, can be exploited as nutritional and therapeutic agents to combat various ailments. Despite several research in this field, further comprehensive in vitro/in vivo studies and clinical trials are needed to identify the mechanisms underlying the biological and therapeutic activities of L. sativum.