. 2017; 45(4): 377-384 | DOI: 10.5543/tkda.2017.92725  

Data Sharing: A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors´ Network

Fernando Alfonso1, Karlen Adamyan2, Jean- Yves Artigou3, Michael Aschermann4, Michael Boehm5, Alfonso Buendia6
1Chairman Editors´Network
2Editor in Chief Armenian Journal of Cardiology
3Editor in Chief Archives des maladies du cœur et des vaisseaux Pratique
4Editor in Chief Cor et Vasa
5Editor in Chief Clinical Research in Cardiology
6Editor in Chief Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiology.

Data Sharing: A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors´ Network

Fernando Alfonso1, Karlen Adamyan2, Jean- Yves Artigou3, Michael Aschermann4, Michael Boehm5, Alfonso Buendia6
1Chairman Editors´Network
2Editor in Chief Armenian Journal of Cardiology
3Editor in Chief Archives des maladies du cœur et des vaisseaux Pratique
4Editor in Chief Cor et Vasa
5Editor in Chief Clinical Research in Cardiology
6Editor in Chief Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides recommendations to improve the editorial standards and scientific quality of biomedical journals. These recommendations range from uniform technical requirements to more complex and elusive editorial issues including ethical aspects of the scientific process. Recently, registration of clinical trials, conflicts of interest disclosure, and new criteria for authorship -emphasizing the importance of responsibility and accountability-, have been proposed. Last year, a new editorial initiative to foster sharing of clinical trial data was launched. This review discusses this novel initiative with the aim of increasing awareness among readers, investigators, authors and editors belonging to the Editors´ Network of the European Society of Cardiology.

Fernando Alfonso, Karlen Adamyan, Jean- Yves Artigou, Michael Aschermann, Michael Boehm, Alfonso Buendia. Data Sharing: A New Editorial Initiative of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Implications for the Editors´ Network. . 2017; 45(4): 377-384

Sorumlu Yazar: Fernando Alfonso, Spain

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