. 2002; 30(8): 509-515

"Brugada Sendromu"nun EKG Bulgularına Sahip Asemptomatik Bir Olgu: Neler Yapmalı?

Özgür ASLAN1, Mustafa SEVER2, Sema GÜNERİ1, Özgür KARCIOĞLU2, Özer BADAK1
1Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı
2Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı, İzmir

Acil servise kann ağnsı şikayetiyle başvurmuş ve akut ko/ esistit tamsıyla genel cerrahi servisinde tedavi görmiiş 52 yaşmdaki erkek lıastamn EKG'si başka bir retrospektij araştırma nedeniyle incelenirken inkonıplet sağ dal bloku ve V 1-V3 derivasyon/annda ST segment yiikselnıesi bulundu,~ u saptandı. Bu bulgularla "Brugada Sendromu" ön tanısıyla olgu yeniden değerlendirildi ve çeşitli incelemelerde bulımuldu. Propafenon ile uyan testi son ucwıda EKG'de ek bir değişiklik gözlenmedi, elektrofizyolojik incelellıe ile hastada ventriküler aritmi indiiklemnedi. Aile bireylerinili EKG kayıtlarmda benzer bulgulara rastlanmadı. Bu olgu, oldukça nadir olan Bl'llgada Sendromu'mm EKG bulgulan saptanan asenıpt omatik bireylerde yapılabilecek incelemelerin tartışılması amacıyla sunuldu.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Asemptomatik, EKG, Brugada sendromu

An Asymptomatic Case With ECG Findings of the Brugada Syndrome: What Should/Could Be Done?

Özgür ASLAN1, Mustafa SEVER2, Sema GÜNERİ1, Özgür KARCIOĞLU2, Özer BADAK1

A 52-year-old man who had an acute abdeminal pain was hospitalized and treated at the department of general surgery with the diagnosis of "acute cholecystitis". His ECGs, recorded during his first admission in the emergency service, was evaluated retrospectively for a study project_ An incomplete right bundle-branch block and ST segment elevation in V ı-3 leads were found. The patient underwent a detailed investigation considering a possible diagnosis of the Brugada syndrome. No change was observed in the ECG f indings during the provocation test with propafenone infusion and no ventricular tachycardia was induced during electrophysiological study. There were no similar find ings in the ECGs of the family members. This case is reported because of the rarity of the Brugada syndrome, and the possible diagnostic investigations in asymptomatic cases with the ECG findings of th is rare elinical situation were discussed. Key words:

Keywords: Asymptomatic , ECG, Brugada syndrome

Özgür ASLAN, Mustafa SEVER, Sema GÜNERİ, Özgür KARCIOĞLU, Özer BADAK. An Asymptomatic Case With ECG Findings of the Brugada Syndrome: What Should/Could Be Done?. . 2002; 30(8): 509-515

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