. 1993; 21(3): 174-177

Normal Kişilerde Pulsed Doppler ve Renkli Akım ile Kapak Yetersizlikleri Sıklığı

Ömer KOZAN1, Mehmet ÖZKAN1, Ali Rıza KAZAZOĞLU1, Ahmet DİRİCAN1, Oral PEKTAŞ1
Koşuyolu Kalp ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kardiyoloji Bölümü

Yaş ortalaması 41±13 yılı (15-71) olan, 68'i (% 39.8) kadın, 103'ü (% 60.2) erkek toplam 171 normal olgu çalışmaya alındı. 15-29 yaş grubunda 45, 30-39 yaş grubunda 42, 40-49 yaş grubunda 36, 50-59 yaş grubunda 24, 60 ve yukarı yaş grubunda 24 olgu vardı. Fizyolojik mitral yetersizliği, pulsed Doppler ile % 40.9, renkli akım ile % 43.3 (p>0.05); triküspid yetersizliği pulsed Doppler ile % 53.2, renkli akım ile % 54.9 (p>0.05); aort yetersizliği her iki yöntemle de % 4.7 (p>0.05) olarak bulundu. Olguların % 35.1 inde tek kapak, % 29.3 ünde çift kapak, % 7'sinde üç kapak % 0.5 inde dört kapakta fizyolojik yetersizlik vardı. Yetersizlikli kapak sayısı yaşlı olgularda daha fazlaydı. Türk toplumundan bir kesit olarak, normal olgularda fizyolojik yetersizlik prevalansının diğer toplumlardan anlamlı farklılık göstermediği, renkli Doppler uygulamanın daha kapsamlı ve daha az zaman alıcı olduğu sonucuna varıldı.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Ekokardiyografi, epidemiyoloji, kapak yetersizlikleri

Age-related Prevalence of Valve Regurgitations by Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography and Color-flow Imaging Among Normal Subjects

Ömer KOZAN1, Mehmet ÖZKAN1, Ali Rıza KAZAZOĞLU1, Ahmet DİRİCAN1, Oral PEKTAŞ1

Our study group included 171 normal subjects with a mean age 41±13 years (range: 15-71) in 68 women and 103 men. There were 45 subjects in age group 15-29 years, 42 in age group 30-39 years, 36 and 24 in the subsequent age groups, 24 subjects 60 years of age or over. Physiological mitral regurgitation was detected in 40.9 % of patients with pulsed Doppler, compared to 43.3 % patients with color-flow imaging (p>0.05). Tricuspid regurgitation was detected in 53.2 % subjects with pulsed Doppler and in 54.9 % of subjects with color-flow (p>0.05). Pulmonary regurgitation was detected in 12.3 % of subjects with pulsed Doppler and in 14 % of subjects with color-flow (p>0.05). Aortic regurgitation was detected in 4.7 % patients both with pulsed Doppler and color-flow imaging. Physiologic valve regurgitation was observed in 35.1 %, 29.3 %, 7 % AND 0.5 % of subjects with respect to 1, 2, 3 and 4 valves, respectively. The number of affected valves increased with age. In was concluded that the prevalence of physiologic valve regurgitation in normal subjects in a selected Turkish population was not significantly different from other populations and that the use of colorflow Doppler echocardiography was more detailed and less time-consuming.

Keywords: Echocardiography, epidemiology, valvular

Ömer KOZAN, Mehmet ÖZKAN, Ali Rıza KAZAZOĞLU, Ahmet DİRİCAN, Oral PEKTAŞ. Age-related Prevalence of Valve Regurgitations by Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography and Color-flow Imaging Among Normal Subjects. . 1993; 21(3): 174-177

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