. 1991; 19(2): 106-112

Sistemik Hipertansiyonda Mitral ve Aortik Akımın Kontinü Doppler ile Değerlendirilmesi

Ahmet IŞIK1, Cemal LÜLECİ1, Ali DEMİR1, Hüseyin ÇELİKER1, Nadi ARSLAN1, Oğuz AYHAN1
Fırat Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Elazığ

Sistemik hipertansiyonda sistolik ve diastolik anormallikleri ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla, 32 olguda transmitral ve aortik akım hızlarının özellikleri 17 kontrol ile karşılaştırıldı. Mitral diastolik dolma indekslerinden çıkan Doppler örneklerinde, dolumun başlangıcındaki zirve hızı, dolumun sonundaki zirve hızı ve onların oranı hipertansiflerde anormaldi. AVP'de anlamlı bir artış (p<0.0005) ve E/A oranında düşüş (p<0.0005) olduğu tesbit edildi. Aynı grupta, azalmış bir komplians ve hızlı dolum ile beraber, atrial dolumda uzama (AET) ve volumunda artma (AFV/TFV %) mevcuttu (p<0.05, p<0.0005 ). Diastolik fonksiyonun diğer göstergelerinden izovolümik relaksasyon süresinin (IRT) uzadığı (p<0.0005), hızlı dolum indeksinin (RFI) azaldığı görüldü (p<0.0005). Aortik zirve akım hızında ve zirve basıç gradiyentinde artış bulundu (Anahtar Kelimeler: Hipertansiyon, Dopler ekokardiyografi, kardiyak fonksiyonlar.

Assessment of Mitral and Aortic Flows in Systemic Hypertension with Continuous Doppler

Ahmet IŞIK1, Cemal LÜLECİ1, Ali DEMİR1, Hüseyin ÇELİKER1, Nadi ARSLAN1, Oğuz AYHAN1

Properties of transmitral and aortic flow velocities of 32 patients were compared with 17 controls in order to evaluate systolic and diastolic abnormalities in systemic hypertension. It was observed that early and filling peak velocities and their rates were abnormal in hypertensive patients in transmitral flow samples determined by Doppler. It was ascertained that there was a significant increase in AVP (p<0.0005) and a significant decrease in E/A ratio (p<0.0005). In addition, decrease in compliance with rapid filling and increase in atrial filling time (AET) with a greater atrial volume percentile (AFV/TFV) were found (p<0.05,p<0.0005). Increase in isovolumic relaxation time (IRT) (p<0.0005) and decrease in rapid filling index (RFI) were observed from other diastolic function data (p<0.0005). An increase in aortic peak velocity and peak gradient was found. On the other hand, it was observed that the systolic function parameters, peak acceleration (PA), isovolumic index (IVI) and left ventricular ejection time index (LVETI) increased significantly (pa<0.0005,p<0.005,p<0.005; respectively). In both groups, in respect to age, aortic peak velocity increased, E/A rate decreased. In hypertensive patients, early and Iate diastolic peak velocities and their rates and peak aortic velocity were found abnormal. These values when correlated with age were abnormal in both groups. Cardiac functional abnormalities can be detected noninvasively by Doppler.

Keywords: Hypertension, Doppler echocardiography, cardiac function.

Ahmet IŞIK, Cemal LÜLECİ, Ali DEMİR, Hüseyin ÇELİKER, Nadi ARSLAN, Oğuz AYHAN. Assessment of Mitral and Aortic Flows in Systemic Hypertension with Continuous Doppler. . 1991; 19(2): 106-112

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