. 2006; 34(2): 99-101

Spontan sağ koroner arter diseksiyonuna başarılı stent uygulaması

Ramazan Akdemir1, Nuri Kurtoğlu2, Cemil Bilir3, Cihangir Uyan4
1Department of Cardiology, SB Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital, Ankara
2Department of Cardiology, Özel Göztepe Şafak Hospital, İstanbul
3Department of Internal Medicine, Düzce Medicine Faculty of Abant İzzet Baysal University, Düzce
4Department of Cardiology, Bolu Medicine Faculty of Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu

Spontan koroner arter diseksiyonu akut koroner sendromun nadir bir nedenidir. Kırk altı yaşında bir erkek hasta akut koroner sendrom kliniğiyle hastanemize başvurdu. Hastaya tıbbi tedaviye karşın devam eden göğüs ağrısı nedeniyle koroner anjiyografi yapıldı. Koroner anjiyografide sağ koroner arterde orta bölgede spontan diseksiyon saptandı. Distal akım TIMI–0-I olarak değerlendirildi. Spontan sağ koroner arter diseksiyonuna 4.0x15 mm stent yerleştirildi. Koroner arterdeki diseksiyon düzeldi ve distal akım normale döndü.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Diseke anevrizma/komplikasyon, koroner anjiyografi, koroner hastalık/komplikasyon: koroner damar/patoloji.

Successful stenting of a spontaneous right coronary artery dissection

Ramazan Akdemir1, Nuri Kurtoğlu2, Cemil Bilir3, Cihangir Uyan4
1Department of Cardiology, SB Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital, Ankara
2Department of Cardiology, Özel Göztepe Şafak Hospital, İstanbul
3Department of Internal Medicine, Düzce Medicine Faculty of Abant İzzet Baysal University, Düzce
4Department of Cardiology, Bolu Medicine Faculty of Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare cause of acute coronary syndrome. A 46-year-old male patient presented with manifestations of acute coronary syndrome. He underwent coronary angiography because of angina unresponsive to medical therapy. A spontaneous right coronary artery dissection was detected during coronary angiography. Distal flow was assessed as TIMI-0-I. A coronary stent, 4.0x15 mm in size was implanted, after which the dissection disappeared and the distal flow became normal.

Keywords: Aneurysm, dissecting/complications, coronary angiography, coronary disease/complications, coronary vessels/ pathology.

Ramazan Akdemir, Nuri Kurtoğlu, Cemil Bilir, Cihangir Uyan. Successful stenting of a spontaneous right coronary artery dissection. . 2006; 34(2): 99-101

Sorumlu Yazar: Ramazan Akdemir, Türkiye

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