. 1999; 27(3): 179-187

Derleme Ventriküler Aritmilerin Tedavisi: Yeni Perspektifler

Erdem DİKER1
Sevgi Hastanesi Kalp Merkezi, Ankara


Anahtar Kelimeler: Anriaritmik ilaçlar, ventriküler aritmi, defibrilatör

Review Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias- New Perspectives

Erdem DİKER1

Prevent ion of sudden death, reduction in total mortality, or at least improvement in symptoms should be the benefits of therapy. Within the last decade, a number of İnıpo rtant multicenter, randomized studies have been conducted, which had dramatic outcome to the arrhythmia management. Some trials have changed our concepts about the benefits of supsression of ventricular ectopy. Some trials with amiodarone have provided some evidence about the wide use of this durg. ICD devices have been extensively evaluated in prospective elinical trials. This review tries to highlight the design and results of soıne of these trials (CAST, ESVEM, GESICA, SWORD, STAT-CHF, CAMIAT, EMIAT, MADIT, CABG-PATCH, AVID, CIDS, CASH). Hence, we will be able to delineate the risks and benefits of arrhythmia therapy more accurately. Key words:

Keywords: Antiarrhythmic drugs, ventricular arrhythmia, defibrillator

Erdem DİKER. Review Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias- New Perspectives. . 1999; 27(3): 179-187

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