. 1990; 18(2): 142-144

Sol Ana Koroner Arter Tam Tıkanıklığı: İki Olgu Bildirisi

İnci FIRATLI1, Muzaffer ÖZTÜRK1, Cihat BAKAY1, Vedat AYTEKİN1, Zafer BURSALI1, Cem'i DEMİROĞLU1
İstanbul Üniversitesi, Kardiyoloji Enstitüsü, İstanbul

Sol ana koroner arter (SAKA) tam tıkanıklığı koroner arteriografi yapılan olgularda % 0.1 oranında bulundu. KAKA'de tam tıkanma görülen iki olgunun klinik, hemodinamik ve angiografik bulguları sunuldu. Angiografide SAKA kısa bir segmentten sonra tıkalı idi. Sağ koroner arter her iki olguda dominanı olup, olgulardan birinde (A.Y.) posterolateral dalda darlık bulunuyordu. Her iki olguda sağdan sola zengin kollateraller mevcuttu. Sol koroner sistemin distal dalları sağdan sola kollaterallerle görünür hale geliyordu. Bir olguda (A.Y.) sol ventrikül fonksiyonu bozulmuştu ve koroner angiografiden sonra çeşitli antiaritmiklere dirençli ventriküler taşikardi (VT) nöbetleri görüldü. Her iki olguya koroner bypass uygulandı. Postoperatif 8. ay kontrolünde olgulardan birinde eforla gelen göğüs ağrısı mevcuttu.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Sol ana koroner arter, tam tıkanma

Complete Occlusion of the Left Main Coronary Artery: Report of two cases

İnci FIRATLI1, Muzaffer ÖZTÜRK1, Cihat BAKAY1, Vedat AYTEKİN1, Zafer BURSALI1, Cem'i DEMİROĞLU1

We described the clinical, hemodynamic and angiographic findings of two patients who had complete occlusion of the left main coronary artery which occurs roughly in one out of 1000 patients undergoing coronary arteriography. Left main coronary artery was completely occluded after a short proximal segment in one of the patients (A.Y.). Rihgt coronary artery was dominant, and there was a significant narrowing in the posterolateral branch. There were extensive collaterals from right to left. Distal branches of the left coronary system were visualized via the collaterals from right to left in both patients. One of the patients (A.Y.) had poor left ventricular function and ventricular tachycardia episodes were seen soon after the angiography, which were resistant to various antiarrhythmic agents. Both of the patients underwent coronary bypass surgery. One of them (A.Y.) had exercise induced angina pectoris in the 8th month of the postoperative follow-up period.

Keywords: Left main coronary artery total occlusion

İnci FIRATLI, Muzaffer ÖZTÜRK, Cihat BAKAY, Vedat AYTEKİN, Zafer BURSALI, Cem'i DEMİROĞLU. Complete Occlusion of the Left Main Coronary Artery: Report of two cases. . 1990; 18(2): 142-144

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