. 1999; 27(2): 80-85

Türkiye'de İnvazif Kardiyoloji: 1994-1997 Yılı İşlemleri

Ferhan ÖZMEN1, Servet ÖZTÜRK1, Ömer Kozan1, Vedat Aytekin1, Oktay SANCAKTAR1
Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği İnvazif Kardiyoloji Çalışma Grubu

Son yıllarda ülkemizde giderek daha fazla sayıda kalp kateterizasyon u, koroner anjiyografi ve anjiyoplasti yapılmaktadır. 1994 yılında 31479 vakaya koroner anjiyografi, 4704 vakaya koroner anjiyoplasti ve 1997 yrimda 73294 vakaya koroner anjiyografi, 12098 vakaya koroner anjiyoplasti uygulanmıştır. 1994 yılında 403 mitral valvuloplasti, 90 pulmoner, /8 aort ve 6 triküspit valvuloplasti; 1997 yılında ise, 509 mitral, 51 pulmoner, 14 aort ve 5 triküspit kapağa valvuloplasti yapılmıştır. 1997 yılmda yapılan tüm girişimlerin maliyeti 18.1 trilyon T.L. idi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Girişimsel kardiyoloji, maliyet, Türkiye.

Invasive Cardiology in Turkey: Procedures During 1994-97

Ferhan ÖZMEN1, Servet ÖZTÜRK1, Ömer Kozan1, Vedat Aytekin1, Oktay SANCAKTAR1

Cardiac invasive procedures have been performed in rapidly increasing numbers in recent years, in Turkey. White 31.4 79 cardiac catheterization and coronary angiographies and 4.704 PTCA were registered in ı 994, 73.294 coronary angiography and 12.098 PTCA procedures were performed in ı 997. This represents an astonishing mean annual increase by about 35%. Of the figure related to PTCA, coronary stents were inserted in 5518 patients in 1997 in 38 cardiac centers. Balloon angioplasties had the following rates of major complications in the last year of the survey: acute obstruction in 2.5%, Q-wave and non-Q myocardial infaretion in 3%, emergency bypass surgery in 0.7% anddeathin 0.33%. On the other hand, stent complications were noted with the following incidences: acute and subacute thrombosis in 2.4%, Qwave and non-Q myocardial infaretion in 1.5%, emergency bypass surgery in 0.7% and death in o.ı 8%. In ı 994, 403 mitral valvuloplasty, 90 pulmonary, 18 aortic and 6 tricuspid valvuloplasty were carried out. In 1997,509 mitral valvuloplasty, 51 pulmonary, ı4 aortic and 5 tricuspid valvuloplasty were applied. The cost of all cardiac invasive prodecures in ı997 was estimated as US$ 119 mi11ion. Key Words:

Keywords: Interventional cardiology, Turkey, medical cost

Ferhan ÖZMEN, Servet ÖZTÜRK, Ömer Kozan, Vedat Aytekin, Oktay SANCAKTAR. Invasive Cardiology in Turkey: Procedures During 1994-97. . 1999; 27(2): 80-85

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