. 2024; 54(2): 0-0

Vasoproliferative Tumor Secondary to Sarcoidosis-associated Intermediate Uveitis

Sara Abdel Jalil, RADGONDE AMER, Tareq Jaouni
Ophthalmology Department, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem

Purpose: To report the visual and clinical outcome of a middle-aged woman who presented with exudative retinal detachment (ERD) secondary to vasoproliferative tumor (VPT) in an eye with sarcoidosis-associated intermediate uveitis (IU).

Case Report: A 55-year old female patient, previously diagnosed with sarcoidosis, presented with drop of vision in the left eye (LE). LE visual acuity (VA) was counting fingers. She had active vitritis and a peripheral retinal vascular mass was noted in the superotemporal periphery. It was associated with ERD involving the posterior pole. The patient was managed with systemic and intravitreal steroids and subsequently cyclosporine was added as a steroid-sparing agent. Because of recurrence of ERD, the patient underwent pars plana vitrectomy and cryotherapy and laser photocoagulation were applied to the VPT. Two months postoperatively, LE VA improved to 6/10. There was marked regression of VPT and total resolution of ERD.
Conclusion: We report on a favorable visual and clinical outcome in a patient with VPT- associated ERD who responded to a combination of medical therapy and surgical intervention. VPT may lead to different remote complications, so timely diagnosis of these tumors and proper management of their complications is warranted.

Keywords: vasoproliferative tumor, sarcoidosis, intermediate uveitis, pars planitis.

Keywords: vasoproliferative tumor, sarcoidosis, intermediate uveitis, pars planitis.

Sara Abdel Jalil, RADGONDE AMER, Tareq Jaouni. Vasoproliferative Tumor Secondary to Sarcoidosis-associated Intermediate Uveitis. . 2024; 54(2): 0-0

Sorumlu Yazar: Sara Abdel Jalil, Israel

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