Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2003; 20(3): 171-174

The Outcome of Large B-Cell Lymphoma Evolving in a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patient During Treatment of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease

Sevgi Kalayoğlu Beşışık1, Orhan Kocaman1, Burak Erer1, Mustafa Yenerel1, Öner Doğan2, Deniz Sargın1
1Department Of Internal Medicine, İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey.
2Department Of Pathology, İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey.

Immunosuppression is a risk factor for the development of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder. This type of malignancy developed in an immunocompromised man. The patient presented with focal convulsion starting from right face and right arm followed by two generalized convulsions with one minute interval. Diagnosis was made by computed tomographic (CT) scan of the cranium following oral and intravenous administration of contrast dyes which revealedmass leisons in the frontotemporal lobe and by stereotaxic biopsy. Tissue sections showed a malignant tumor cell infiltration with large areas of necrosis and many mitoses. Many tumor cells were positive for CD 20 and CD 10. These findings were consistent with large B-cell lymphoma. Central nervous system radiation with a dose of 56 Gy was given with clinical and radiological improvement. The patient died due to multiorgan failure. Finally, the immunocompromised patients should be closely followed for the development of lymphoproliferative disorder.

Keywords: Immunosuppression, Lymphoproliferative disorder, Primary cerebral lymphoma, GVHD, AML.

Hematopoietik Kök Hücre Nakli Yapılan Bir Hastada, Kronik Graft-Versus-Host Hastalığı Tedavisi Sırasında Ortaya Çıkan Büyük B-Hücreli Lenfoma

Sevgi Kalayoğlu Beşışık1, Orhan Kocaman1, Burak Erer1, Mustafa Yenerel1, Öner Doğan2, Deniz Sargın1
1Department Of Internal Medicine, İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey.
2Department Of Pathology, İstanbul University İstanbul Medical Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey.

immünsüpresyon nakil sonrası lenfoproliferatif hastalık gelişmesi için risk faktörüdür. AML nedeni ile nakil yapılan bir erkek hastada sağdan başlayan ve iki jeneralize konvülziyon gözlenmesinin ardından çekilen BT taramada kitle lezyonlu saptanmış ve yapılan stereotaksik biyopsi ile CD20 ve CD10 pozitif büyük B-hücreli lenfoma tanısı konmuştur. 56 Gy dozunda SSS ışınlaması yapılan hastada klinik ve radyolojik düzelme saptanmış, ancak hasta multiorgan yetmezliği ile kaybedilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Ý, mmünsüpresyon, Lenfoproliferatif hastalık, Primer beyin lenfoması, GVHH, AML.

Sevgi Kalayoğlu Beşışık, Orhan Kocaman, Burak Erer, Mustafa Yenerel, Öner Doğan, Deniz Sargın. The Outcome of Large B-Cell Lymphoma Evolving in a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patient During Treatment of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2003; 20(3): 171-174

Corresponding Author: Sevgi Kalayo&240;lu Be&254;ı&254;ık, Türkiye

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