Anatol J Med . 2021; 30(2): 113-116

Incidental skeletal findings on Sodium-Fluorine (NaF) PET: A collection of benign tumors

NADA ALMENIEIR1, Marc Hickeson1, Javier Novales-diaz1, Vilma Derbekyan1, Gad Abikhzer2, NADA ALMENIEIR3
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Canada
2Departement of Nuclear Medicine, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Canada
3Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sodium-Fluoride PET is a sensitive method to detect altered bone mineralization. Its increasing use in routine clinical practice for metastatic bone disease has also resulted in the detection or characterization of incidental benign bone lesions. A spectrum of NaF PET scan cases with benign bone tumors are presented in this article, including whole body PET bone scan and selected PET/CT, CT or MR images of the region of interest. By reviewing these cases, the reader will be able to improve the knowledge related to the clinical presentation of these entities, some of them rare, and to recognize them based on NaF PET and CT/MR imaging patterns.

Keywords: NaF, Sodium-Fluoride PET, benign bone lesions

NADA ALMENIEIR, Marc Hickeson, Javier Novales-diaz, Vilma Derbekyan, Gad Abikhzer, NADA ALMENIEIR. Incidental skeletal findings on Sodium-Fluorine (NaF) PET: A collection of benign tumors. Anatol J Med . 2021; 30(2): 113-116

Corresponding Author: NADA ALMENIEIR, Canada

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