. 2010; 25(1): 43-47

Temozolamide treatment and pseudoprogression description accompanies radiotheraphy on high grade glioma

Erdoğan Ayan, Fatih Han Bölükbaşı, Ramazan Sarı, İlhan Elmacı
Goztepe Training and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinic, Istanbul

High grade gliomas need serious follow up in post operative period. It might be necessary to re-operate due to tumor progression in this period. In addition, some changes because of radiotherapy and chemotherapy might act like tumor progression. This condition is called pseudoprogression and its management is different. Therefore pseudoprogression is a new condition that should be known and considered via following up high grade gliomas. Studies for this subject increase in literature. We aimed to explain this new condition with a case that we assumed as pseudoprogression having high degree glioma.

Keywords: High grade glioma, pseudoprogression, radiotherapy, temozolamide

Yüksek evreli gliomlarda radyoterapiye eşlik eden temozolamid tedavisi ve psödoprogresyon kavramı

Erdoğan Ayan, Fatih Han Bölükbaşı, Ramazan Sarı, İlhan Elmacı
Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Nöroşirurji Kliniği, İstanbul

Anahtar Kelimeler: Pseudoprogresyon, radyoterapi, temozolamid, yüksek gradeli gliom

Erdoğan Ayan, Fatih Han Bölükbaşı, Ramazan Sarı, İlhan Elmacı. Temozolamide treatment and pseudoprogression description accompanies radiotheraphy on high grade glioma. . 2010; 25(1): 43-47

Corresponding Author: Erdoğan Ayan, Türkiye

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