. 2005; 20(1): 59-61

The evaluation of the case with bradycardia and syncope that caused by hypothyroidism

İsmail Hamdi Kara, Özcan Özdemir, Mesut Acar
Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Diyarbakir

Syncope is defined as transient loss of consciousness due to reduced blood flow. It may occur suddenly or can be associated with alarming symptoms like weakness, confusion, nausea, visual blurring. The purpose of this report is to makes primary care physicians to pay more attention of case of bradycardia and syncope that caused by hypothyroidism.
The patient who experienced a faint period lasting half an hour after wake up at the morning and remained unconscious for 10-15 minutes, complaining dizziness, confusion and vomiting at the end of the faint admitted to Family Practice Outpatient Clinic of Dicle University, Medical Faculty. From medical history, it was learned that patient had total thyroidectomy operation in 1997 and had been using thyroxin tb 2x1 regularly, except the last month. Physical examination revealed heart rate 56/min and rhythmic. At ECG sinus bradycardia and low T3, T4 and high TSH levels were detected. The syncope was attributed to hypothyroidism resulting sinus bradycardia because of thyroidectomy in post medical history not using thyroxin replacement for last month. At central visit it was seen that patient restarted thyroxin replacement and has no clinical problem

Keywords: Syncope, bradycardia, hypothyroidism

Polikliniğe hipotiroidiye bağlı bradikardi ve senkop ile başvuran olgunun değerlendirilmesi

İsmail Hamdi Kara, Özcan Özdemir, Mesut Acar
Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Aile Hekimliği Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır

Anahtar Kelimeler: Senkop, bradikardi, hipotiroidi

İsmail Hamdi Kara, Özcan Özdemir, Mesut Acar. The evaluation of the case with bradycardia and syncope that caused by hypothyroidism. . 2005; 20(1): 59-61

Corresponding Author: İsmail Hamdi Kara, Türkiye

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