. 2005; 20(1): 51-53

Acute isoniaside intoxication

Aygen Türkmen, Ayşın Ersoy, Aysel Altan, Namigar Turgut, Zekeriya Ervatan, Sevda Kızılırmak
SSK Okmeydanı Training Hospital, Istanbul

Isoniaside is a bactericidal drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Acute high doses can be fatal. Typical triad consists of recurrent convulsions resistant to anticonvulsants, metabolic acidosis with anion gap and coma. Pridoxine(B6) which is used for treatment is the specific antidot. If the administered dose isoniaside is unknown, 5 grams of pridoxin
is recommended IV. If the dose is known antidot is given in equal amounts. Pridoxin administration is the best way of treating convulsions and recovery from metabolic acidosis.
We present 2 cases regarding this subject.

Keywords: Isoniaside intoxication, pridoxine

Akut isoniasid intoksikasyonu

Aygen Türkmen, Ayşın Ersoy, Aysel Altan, Namigar Turgut, Zekeriya Ervatan, Sevda Kızılırmak
SSK Okmeydanı Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul

Anahtar Kelimeler: İsoniazid intoksikasyonu, piridoksin

Aygen Türkmen, Ayşın Ersoy, Aysel Altan, Namigar Turgut, Zekeriya Ervatan, Sevda Kızılırmak. Acute isoniaside intoxication. . 2005; 20(1): 51-53

Corresponding Author: Aygen Türkmen, Türkiye

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