. 2022; 9(4): 397-400

A Neuroblastoma Case Presenting with Seizures Resistant to Antiepileptic Treatments

Çisil Çerçi Kubur, Sibğatullah Ali ORAK, Aslı Kübra Atasever, Celil Yılmaz, MUZAFFER POLAT
Department Of Pediatric Neurology, Celal Bayar University Faculty Of Medicine, Manisa, Turkey

Seizure is a rare symptom of paraneoplastic syndrome seen in neuroblastoma without a previous history. A 4-month-old male patient who was following up with a preliminary diagnosis of an adrenal mass in pediatric oncology was admitted to the hospital with a seizure. A diagnosis of undifferentiated neuroblastoma was made with a biopsy from the adrenal mass. Seizures were resistant to antiepileptic therapy and they were completely under control with steroids on the 4th day of treatment. EEG disturbances disappeared and the neurologic deficit wasn’t detected. This case which was presented with isolated seizure symptoms of neuroblastoma and treated with steroids, was a very rare presentation in which symptoms and EEG disturbances disappeared. In neuroblastoma, autoimmunity may be involved in the pathogenesis of seizures, which is a rare finding of paraneoplastic syndrome and the option of immunotherapy should be considered.

Keywords: Epileptic seizure, neuroblastoma, autoantibody, steroid, paraneoplastic syndrome

Çisil Çerçi Kubur, Sibğatullah Ali ORAK, Aslı Kübra Atasever, Celil Yılmaz, MUZAFFER POLAT. A Neuroblastoma Case Presenting with Seizures Resistant to Antiepileptic Treatments. . 2022; 9(4): 397-400

Corresponding Author: Çisil Çerçi Kubur, Türkiye

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