. 2022; 9(3): 259-266

Evaluation of the Allergen Sensitization in the Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma in Tekirdağ

Nurşen Ciğerci Günaydın1, Ceren Tanç2, Ezgi Tanburoğlu2, Ayşin Nalbantoğlu2, Şule Güler Kaçmaz2, Burçin Nalbantoğlu2, Nedim Samancı2
1Division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey
2Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey

INTRODUCTION: Allergic rhinitis(AR) and asthma are the most prevalent allergic diseases, and environmental allergens are important factors in the pathogenesis and the exacerbation of these diseases.Although there are many studies investigating aeroallergen sensitivities in different regions of our country, this study aims to identify the aeroallergen sensitization in Tekirdağ province in the part of Turkey in Europe, namely Thrace, where aeroallergen sensitivities need to be known.
METHODS: 460 children with asthma and AR who were followed and had at least one aeroallergen sensitivity in skin prick test (SPT) were retrospectively evaluated. All patients were undergone SPT using the standard extracts, including house dust mites, molds, animal dander, pollens, and latex.
RESULTS: Results
The mean age of the patients was 10.2±3.4(5-18) years, 57.6% of them were male. Diagnoses of the patients were AR in 57.8%, asthma in 22.6% and both in 19.6%. 42.6%(n=196) of the patients were sensitized to more than one allergen.The most common aeroallergens in SPT were 63% house dust mites, 26.5% grass-rye mix, 26.1% grass mix, 19.8% molds, 11.3% cat epithelium, 8.5% cockroach, 7% weed mix, 7% olive tree, 5.7% dog, 4.3% cupressus, 3.5% tree pollen mix, 1.5% poplar, 1.3% mugwort, and 0.4% latex. Although the cockroach, pet, olive tree sensitivity and multiple allergen sensitivity were more frequent among the male children(p<0.05), there was no association between the gender and the sensitivity to other allergens. There was no difference between the aeroallergen distributions of the patients according to diagnoses(p>0.05). The house mites were the most common allergens throughout all seasons.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of this study will be important in guiding the elimination measures of the triggering allergens that are important for the treatment and the course of the disease of the patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis in this region.

Keywords: Allergen sensitization, children, Tekirdag, allergic rhinitis, asthma

Nurşen Ciğerci Günaydın, Ceren Tanç, Ezgi Tanburoğlu, Ayşin Nalbantoğlu, Şule Güler Kaçmaz, Burçin Nalbantoğlu, Nedim Samancı. Evaluation of the Allergen Sensitization in the Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma in Tekirdağ. . 2022; 9(3): 259-266

Corresponding Author: Nurşen Ciğerci Günaydın, Türkiye

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