. 2021; 8(4): 498-501

The misdiagnosis and consequences of the odontogenic orocutaneous fistula: a case report

Nihal Altunok, Halenur Altan
Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty Of Dentistry

It is possible to describe the term fistula as an abnormal connection between different parts of the body. Untreated specific infections or diseases, chronic infections, congenital deformities, traumatic injuries, and postoperative recovery abnormalities may lead to a fistula's formation. The most common oral fistulas can be classified as dentoalveolar, oroantral, oronasal, and orocutaneous fistulas.
Dentists and doctors can frequently misdiagnose odontogenic cutaneous fistulas as cutaneous lesions or non-odontogenic infections. As a consequence of incorrect diagnosis, patients can undergo unneeded and ineffective treatments, such as the surgical excision of the cutaneous lesion, multiple biopsies, and repeated antibiotic cures. It was observed that misevaluation of the lesion and repeated ineffective interventions led to scar formation on the skin, pit defects, hyperpigmentation, and iatrophobia.
This case report aimed to present the follow-up results of a patient with an odontogenic orocutaneous fistula, who was misdiagnosed and treated by medical doctors from different branches.

Keywords: Odontogenic Cutaneous Fistula, Endodontic Treatment, Focal Infection

Nihal Altunok, Halenur Altan. The misdiagnosis and consequences of the odontogenic orocutaneous fistula: a case report. . 2021; 8(4): 498-501

Corresponding Author: Nihal Altunok, Türkiye

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