. 2021; 8(4): 510-513

Total colonic tubular duplication including terminal ileum and appendix: a rare case

Mehmet Saraç, Tugay Tartar, Ünal Bakal, Ahmet Kazez
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Firat University, Elazığ, Turkey

Total colonic duplications are rare. This case was reported to discuss the treatment of tubular duplication of the entire colon, appendix and terminal ileum. A 2-years-old girl was admitted with the complaints of vomiting, abdomen distension, and defecation difficulty. During laparotomy, a tubular duplication with separate mesentery which has no common intestinal wall was detected at the last 20 cm of ileum. This duplication was continuing with the common wall and mesentery from the cecum to the sigmoid colon ending blindly. Resection anastomosis was performed for the completely separated tubular duplication at the terminal ileal segment. Remaining of tubular duplication continuing along the cecum, appendix and colon could not be resected because of its common mesentery, vascular system, and wide common wall with normal colon. Colotomy performed at the site of sigmoid colon allowed to open the distal of the cyst to normal colon lumen. Gastrointestinal duplication cysts should be kept in mind in patients with chronic abdominal distension. Surgical treatment methods differ because of different features and localizations of this tubular duplication.

Keywords: Total colonic tubuler duplication, surgical treatment, child

Mehmet Saraç, Tugay Tartar, Ünal Bakal, Ahmet Kazez. Total colonic tubular duplication including terminal ileum and appendix: a rare case. . 2021; 8(4): 510-513

Corresponding Author: Tugay Tartar, Türkiye

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