. 2019; 6(3): 234-241

Association of neck, wrist and hip circumferences with kidney function in children and adolescents: the CASPIAN- V study

Mostafa Qorbani1, Mehryar Mehrkash2, Mostafa Qorbani3, Roya Kelishadi4, Mostafa Qorbani5, Mostafa Qorbani6, Mostafa Qorbani7, Mostafa Qorbani8, Mostafa Qorbani9, Mostafa Qorbani10, Mostafa Qorbani11, Tahereh Aminaei12
1Pediatrics Department, Child Growth And Development Research Centr, Research Institute For Primordial Prevention Of Non-communicable Disease, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
2Chronic Diseases Research Cnter, Endocrinology And Metabolism Population Sciences Institute, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3Non-communicable Diseases Research Center, Alborz University Of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
4Pediatrics Department, Ahvaz Jundishapur University Of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
5Development Of Research Technology Center, Deputy Of Research And Technology, Ministry Of Health And Medical Education, Tehran, Iran.
6Medical Student, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
7Office Of Adlescents And School Health, Ministry Of Health And Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
8Chronic Diseases Research Center, Endocrinology And Metabolism Population Sciences Institute, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
9Department Of Basic And Clinical Research, Tehran Heart Research Center, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
10Department Of Community Nutrition, School Of Nutritional Sciences And Dietetics, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
11Office Of Adolescents And School Health, Ministry Of Health And Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
12Pediatrics Department, Child Growth And Development Research Center, Research Institute For Primordial Prevention Of Non-communicable Disease, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

INTRODUCTION: Some evidence exists on the relationship between anthropometric measures and chronic kidney disease. This study aims to investigate the association of neck, wrist and hip circumferences with kidney function in a pediatric population.
METHODS: In this national study, 4200 students aged 7-18 years were selected by random cluster sampling from 30 provinces of Iran. Neck circumference (NC), wrist (WC) and hip (HC) were measured according to standard protocol and were categorized to low and high according to their age-sex specific median values. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated based on the "updated" Schwartz equation.
RESULTS: The response rate was 91.5% (n=3843). The mean (SD) of eGFR was 96.71(19.46), 96.49(21.69), and 96.59 (20.66) ml/min/1.73 m2 for girls, boys and total population, respectively. Compared to other participants, those in the high NC group had significantly higher eGFR [102.12 ±21.31 vs.90.65±18.18, p <0.001] and Cr [high; 0.66± 0.14 vs.0.63 ±0.11mg/dL, p <0.001]. Individuals categorized as high WC had significantly higher eGFR [102.12 ±21.31 vs. 90.83 ±18.16, p <0.001] and Cr [0.66 ±0.15vs. 0.63 ±0.10) mg/dL, p <0.001]. In multivariate model, high NC, WC and HC were associated with higher eGFR (P < 0.001). Moreover, each one unit (cm) increment in NC, WC and HC increased eGFR by 1.42, 3.24 and 0.46 unit, respectively.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The findings of this large population-based study suggest that simple anthropometric measures, as wrist and neck circumferences, can be used in epidemiological studies to determine the children and adolescents that might be at risk of kidney dysfunction.

Keywords: Kidney function, Neck circumference, Wrist circumference, Children, Prevention,

Mostafa Qorbani, Mehryar Mehrkash, Mostafa Qorbani, Roya Kelishadi, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Mostafa Qorbani, Tahereh Aminaei. Association of neck, wrist and hip circumferences with kidney function in children and adolescents: the CASPIAN- V study. . 2019; 6(3): 234-241

Corresponding Author: Tahereh Aminaei, Iran

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