. 2022; 9(4): 338-344

Dermal progression of neonatal jaundice of newborn under 35 weeks of gestational age

Çisil Çerçi Kubur1, Burçin Işcan2, NURAY DUMAN2, Hasan Özkan2, ABDULLAH Kumral2
1Department of Pediatrics, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
2Department of Pediatrics, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Division of Neonatology, Izmir, Turkey

INTRODUCTION: Objective: To determine the dermal progression of neonatal jaundice in newborns under 35 weeks of gestational age and risk factors that affect the dermal progression.

METHODS: Design: Cross-sectional analytical case study
Setting: NICU of the Dokuz Eylül University Hospital
Patients: Eighty-eight preterm newborns under 35 weeks of gestational age
RESULTS: We observed that there is no significant difference between capillary and transcutaneous bilirubin measurements on preterm newborns under 35 weeks of gestational age (Pearson’s rho>75 and p<0,05). And we also observed that transcutaneous bilirubin measurements on preterm newborns under 35 weeks of gestational age; the first day on the back, the fourth day on the forehead and the remaining days on the chest are higher than on the other sides (Friedman test). So for preterm newborns, jaundice progresses in a way rather than cephalocaudal direction wıth progressive hyperbilirubinemia. We didn’t observe the association between the existence of their cephalocaudal progression in preterm newborns and followed laboratory data factors associated with mother and baby. We didn’t observe the association between the existence of their cephalocaudal progression in preterm newborns and followed laboratory data factors associated with mother and baby (Mann-Whitney U p>0,05).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Transcutaneous bilirubin measurements could be used for neonatal jaundice of newborns under 35 weeks of gestational age. And also, we need, further studies for comprehensive descriptions of preterm newborns' jaundice progression.

Keywords: Dermal progression, neonatal jaundice, gestational age, transcutaneous bilirubin measurements, cephalocaudal progression

Çisil Çerçi Kubur, Burçin Işcan, NURAY DUMAN, Hasan Özkan, ABDULLAH Kumral. Dermal progression of neonatal jaundice of newborn under 35 weeks of gestational age. . 2022; 9(4): 338-344

Corresponding Author: Çisil Çerçi Kubur, Türkiye

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