. 2019; 6(1): 83-85

Diamond – Gardner Syndrome: Autoerythrocyte Sensitization Syndrome

Nejat Akar1, Zeynep Nur Karagöz2, Yasemin Ardıçoğlu Akışın3
1Department of Pediatrics, TOBB ETU Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
25th Year Student, TOBB ETU Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
3Biochemistry, TOBB ETU Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Diamond-Gardner Syndrome (DGS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by painful ecchymoses that develop following emotional stress or trauma. The lesions are observed mostly in the extremities and these lesions are the result of autosensitization to extravasated erythrocytes after trauma. The majority of the patients diagnosed with this disease is composed of young women. In this case report, a teenager who had complaints of recurring painful ecchymoses with no related personal or familial background and later-diagnosed with DGS was presented. Although it is seen less commonly, DGS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous lesions and hemorrhages of childhood period, especially in adolescence.

Keywords: Diamond Gardner syndrome, Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome, Psychogenic purpura

Nejat Akar, Zeynep Nur Karagöz, Yasemin Ardıçoğlu Akışın. Diamond – Gardner Syndrome: Autoerythrocyte Sensitization Syndrome. . 2019; 6(1): 83-85

Corresponding Author: Zeynep Nur Karagöz, Türkiye

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