. 1989; 2(2): 123-125

A Study of The Hydrodynamical Characteristics of Loamy Soil

Syed Faizan Haider1, Ghulam Nabi1, M. Y. Hussain2, Mahmood Khurshid3
1Department of Agro. Meteorology, University of Agriculture, Govt. College Rabwah, Pakistan.
2Department of Physics, Faisalabad, University of Agriculture, Govt. College Rabwah, Pakistan.
3Department of Physics, University of Agriculture, Govt. College Rabwah, Pakistan.

Knowledge of patterns of water movement within the soil profile is essential to the solution of problems involving irrigation, drainage and water conservation. Following are the findings of the research performed.
1. That the removal of excess water is essential to soil aeration.
2. That the flow of water through soil follows basic laws and principles.
3.That the modern techniques involving mathematical analysis and tensiometers make it possible to formulate the drainage theories that have practical applications.
4.That the design of drainage system is primarily dependant upon hydraulic conductivity, the most important parameter of this research.

Keywords: Soil profile, drainage and water conservation, soil aeration, Tensiometers, Hydraulic conductivity.

Syed Faizan Haider, Ghulam Nabi, M. Y. Hussain, Mahmood Khurshid. A Study of The Hydrodynamical Characteristics of Loamy Soil. . 1989; 2(2): 123-125

Sorumlu Yazar: Syed Faizan Haider, Pakistan

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