. 1988; 1(1): 13-16

Effect of Inhalation of Low Dose Methyl Metacrylate Vapor on The CNS System of Rats

Saime Şahin1, Müjgan Öktemer1, Sevgi Küllü2
1Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey.

In this research, histopathological examinations of central nervous system of the rats, exposed to low concentration (0.45 ppm) of methyl metacrylate monomer (MMA) vapor, were made.
60 male Swiss Albino rats (30 experimental, 30 control) were exposed to MMA vapour in air for period of 4, 8 and 12 weeks, 5 days per week and 1 hour per day. The concentration used was determined by measuring the air in a dental laboratory during the acrylate mixing phase.
As a result in four and eight week groups significant pathologic changes were leptomeningeal thickening, mononuclear cell infiltration, ependymitis and ventriculitis. Leptomeningeal thickening and mononuclear infiltration were observed in two-third of the 12 week groups but were less pronunced than that of in eight week groups.
In conclusion, MMA vapour was found to have a toxic effect on central nervous system. The results shown us the importance of the ventilation of the places in which MMA is worked with.

Keywords: Methyl Metachylate Vapour, CNS System, Histopathological Examination

Saime Şahin, Müjgan Öktemer, Sevgi Küllü. Effect of Inhalation of Low Dose Methyl Metacrylate Vapor on The CNS System of Rats. . 1988; 1(1): 13-16

Sorumlu Yazar: Saime Şahin, Türkiye

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