. 2005; 15(4): 135-147

Damage Pattern as Function of Various Types of Radiations

R. G. Ahmed
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Beni-Suef Branch, Beni-Suef, Egypt.

The number of reports on the effects of various types of radiation is gradually increasing because of weakening of the immune system. Radiation can penetrate into living cells and result in the transfer of radiation energy to the biological material. The absorbed energy can increase the reactive oxygen species and break chemical bonds and cause ionization of different biologically essential macromolecules, such as DNA, membrane lipids and proteins. Damage to the cellular membrane release the hydrolytic enzymes responsible for various catabolic processes the tissues and leads to cell death. An understanding of the pattern in critical cellular structures such as DNA is an important prerequisite for a mechanistic assessment of primary radiation injury. The DNA damage induced by radiation such as base alterations, cross-linking, strands break or chromosomal aberration which may in turn lead to mutations. In order to further explore the harmful effects of radiation, I have produced a variety of effects of radiation on the apoptosis and necrosis. Indeed, the present review has shown that, the increase in the oxidative stress (increased endogenous production of the free radicals) due to radiation may be a reason for such a damage of the cell membrane, and may lead to harming the cellular elements (such as DNA). Here, one can hypothesize that, the cells with increased sensitivity to oxidative stress may be more susceptible to damage by radiation compared to normal cells. The ultimate biological consequences of this effect are subsequently processed by these cells. Much work remains to be done to firmly establish this concept.

Keywords: Radiation, DNA, cell death, lysosomes, fibrosis, reactive oxygen species.

R. G. Ahmed. Damage Pattern as Function of Various Types of Radiations. . 2005; 15(4): 135-147

Sorumlu Yazar: R. G. Ahmed, Egypt

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