. 1995; 8(4): 175-180

Backfire Antenna with Multiple Flat Reflectors and Rectangular Aperture as Feed Element

R. Al-Rashid, A. Y. Hussain
From Department of Physics, College of Science Saddam University, Baghdad, Iraq.

The backfire principle is an effective technique for improving the performance of an antenna, without adding much to its physical dimensions or weight. In this paper a backfire antenna with multiple flat reflectors is suggested. The performance of this backfire antenna is compared with those of a single and double back reflector backfire antennas operating at the same design frequency of 9.35 GHz. The measurements indicate a remarkable improvement in the gain and mainlobe to sidelobe-level and a significant increment in the bandwidth of the antenna. The dimensions of the antenna are optimized to give maximum directive gain.

Keywords: Backfire antenna, multiple flat reflectors, rectangular aperture

R. Al-Rashid, A. Y. Hussain. Backfire Antenna with Multiple Flat Reflectors and Rectangular Aperture as Feed Element. . 1995; 8(4): 175-180

Sorumlu Yazar: R. Al-Rashid, Iraq

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