. 2011; 19(2): 67-74

Chemical, Biological and Organoleptic Evaluation of Newly Formulated Therapeutic Diets for Protein Calorie Malnutrition

O.M. Metwalli, Sahar Y. Al-Okbi, Thanaa E. Hamed
Food Sciences and Nutrition Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.

Three supplementary food mixtures high in protein and calories were prepared using different percentage of locally produced cereals and legumes in addition to 10% skimmed milk powder in each formula to be used as therapeutic diets for infants suffering from protein energy malnutrition. These prepared mixtures were undergone chemical, biological and organoleptic evaluation. The data obtained revealed that 100g of each mixture provided 38, 28 and 20 g. protein and 382, 366 and 364 calories in formulae I, II and III respectively. The biological evaluation was carried out in comparison to three locally available food mixtures (Creacon, Gerber and Riri) comarable in protein percentage and a casein containing diet as a control group using experimental rats. The data obtained showed that body weight gain increased significantly only in case of rats fed creacon and formula II. The food and protein efficiency ratios for formulae I and II were higher compared to the control which was significant for formula II. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that formula I scored as very good, then comes formula II then at last formula III which were both scored as good.

Keywords: Protein calorie malnutrition, therapeutic diets

O.M. Metwalli, Sahar Y. Al-Okbi, Thanaa E. Hamed. Chemical, Biological and Organoleptic Evaluation of Newly Formulated Therapeutic Diets for Protein Calorie Malnutrition. . 2011; 19(2): 67-74

Sorumlu Yazar: Sahar Y. Al-Okbi, Egypt

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