. 1992; 5(2): 118-122

Atrophic Gastritis, Intestinal Metaplasia, Gastric Carcinoma and It’s Variants in Dispeptic Cases of Eastern Black Sea Region

Yavuz Özoran, Levent Albayrak, Havvanur Turgutalp, Tülay Bakır
From Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, Medical School, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Türkiye.

Gastroscopic biopsy samples taken from standard region of 338 dyspeptic cases from Eastern Black Sea Area were evaluated. Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia (IM) as benign lesions were significantly higher over 41 years of age. The incidence of type III IM which indicates high risk group for gastric carcinomas was 24%. The incidence of expansive carcinomas was 65% in advanced ages al though diffuse carcinomas in high number (67%) in younger ages. Atrophic gastritis associated carcinoma incidence was 51%, intestinal metaplasia was 43% type III, diffuse, score III IM incidence was significantly higher in cancer associated cases.

Keywords: Intestinal metaplasia, gastric carcinoma, atrophic gastritis

Yavuz Özoran, Levent Albayrak, Havvanur Turgutalp, Tülay Bakır. Atrophic Gastritis, Intestinal Metaplasia, Gastric Carcinoma and It’s Variants in Dispeptic Cases of Eastern Black Sea Region. . 1992; 5(2): 118-122

Sorumlu Yazar: Yavuz Özoran, Türkiye

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