. 1989; 2(2): 109-112

Cellulase Production from Actinomycetes Isolated from Iraqi Soils: I Characterization of A Cellulolytic Streptomyces Sp. Strain AT7

Amira M. Al-Tai, Basima A. Abdul-Nour, Shatha H. Abdul-Razzak
From Department of Microbiology, Biological Research Centre, Scientific Research Council, P.O. Box 2371, Jadiriyah, Baghdad, Iraq.

A cellulolytic actinomycete species was isolated from Iraqi soil, described as a Streptomyces sp. Strain AT7. This strain is characterized by forming nonfragmented vegetative hyphae, spores were found on aerial mycelium in short compact chains (10-20 conidia) and whole cell hydrolysate contained L-diaminopimelic acid and the amino acids: glycine, leucine, and alanine. The strain, grew well on a mineral medium containing carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), produces C, enzyme at different temperatures; 28°, 37° and 48°C and has an acido-alkalophilic growth ability.

Keywords: Actinomycetes, cellulase production, growth conditions.

Amira M. Al-Tai, Basima A. Abdul-Nour, Shatha H. Abdul-Razzak. Cellulase Production from Actinomycetes Isolated from Iraqi Soils: I Characterization of A Cellulolytic Streptomyces Sp. Strain AT7. . 1989; 2(2): 109-112

Sorumlu Yazar: Amira M. Al-Tai, Iraq

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