. 1988; 1(1): 27-30

111 - Change in Maillard Reaction and Lipid Oxidation in Stored Fish

A. A. El-Sawy1, F. Osman1, A. Kaousar2, H. Hebash2
1From the Chemistry Depart. Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha, Egypt.
2From Chemistry of Flavour Lab. National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.

Fish was stored at - 20°C for 135 days. Sample was taken for each 15 days. The flavour of stored fish was extracted and fractionation to its neutral-acidic and basic fractions was done. The neutralacidic fraction was further fractionated into carbonyl and noncarbonyl. The analysis of all fractions was carried out by G.L.C. Amino acids, fatty acids and lipid characteristics were done at each interval period. It was found that indol and kother nonvolatile nitrogenous constituents were indicators of incipient spoilge to some extent. Indol occurs in fish in increasing concentration as putterfaction proceeds. Enzymes enhance the carbonyl-amino reactions. Such reactions are known to result in the development of bitterness.

Keywords: Maillard Reaction, lipid oxydation, stored fish

A. A. El-Sawy, F. Osman, A. Kaousar, H. Hebash. 111 - Change in Maillard Reaction and Lipid Oxidation in Stored Fish. . 1988; 1(1): 27-30

Sorumlu Yazar: A. A. El-Sawy, Egypt

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