. 1989; 2(1): 7-12

Seed Germination Transpiration Rate, and Growth Criteria as affected by Various Concentrations of CdCl2, NaF and 2,4-DNP

M. A. Shaddad, A. F. Radi, A. E. El-Enany
From Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University Assiut, Egypt.

The effect of CdCI2, NaF and 2,4-DNP, when supplied in various concentrations on seed germination, seedling growth, transpiration rate and growth criteria of Zea mays, Helinathus annuus and Vicia faba was studied. The germination of the treated seeds significantly dropped as the concentration of the applied inhibitors increased, however, low doses of the applied inhibitors stimulated the germination of maize grains. The radicle and plumule lengths were considerably reduced at all levels of the applied inhibitors. Low concentrations of the inhibitors used had nearly small effect, if any, on transpiration rate, while the high levels strongly inhibited transpiration rate. Growth criteria (leaf area, and dry matter gain) of the different organs of bean and sunflower plants were sharply reduced; more prominently at moderate and high doses of the applied inhibitors. A biphasic action on dry matter gain in the different organs of maize plants was exhibited by the test inhibitors.

Keywords: CdCI2, NaF, 2, 4-DNP, Transpiration, Zea mays, Helianthus annuus, Vicia faba.

M. A. Shaddad, A. F. Radi, A. E. El-Enany. Seed Germination Transpiration Rate, and Growth Criteria as affected by Various Concentrations of CdCl2, NaF and 2,4-DNP. . 1989; 2(1): 7-12

Sorumlu Yazar: M. A. Shaddad, Türkiye

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