. 2018; 26(3): 74-79 | DOI: 10.5505/ias.2018.43402  

Effect of poor oral health on respiratory functions which is one of the important factor of sportive performance

Osman Hamamcılar1, Tuğba Kocahan2, Bihter Akınoğlu3, Adnan Hasanoğlu4
1Department Of Dentistry- Ministry Of Youth And Sports, Sports And Education Research Center- Ankara
2Sports Medicine Department- Ministry Of Youth And Sports, Sports And Education Research Center- Ankara
3Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation - Ankara
4Leadership Department- Ministry Of Youth And Sports, Sports And Education Research Center- Ankara

Objective: To determine the effect of periodontal disease and dental decay on the respiratory system, which cause deterioration of oral health in athletes, to show the relationship and thus to support sports performance.
Method: As a result of oral examination, athletes, first group; no periodontal disease and no rot (age: 16,8 ± 4,72,10male, 15 female). The second group; <4 patients with oral disease (age: 18.2 ± 4.88, 22 males, 22 females). The third group is; ≥ 4 oral diseases (age: 20,8 ± 4,60, 19 males, 23 females). The mean prevalence value (DM), DMF-T index, and gingival assessment (GI) were performed. FEV1/FVC % ratio and FVC mean value were measured.
Results: The mean FEV1/FVC % value of the first group of 25 athletes was 84,8±2,26 and the mean value of BKI was 20,8 ± 4,56. The DMF-T index of 44 athletes in the second group was found to be 1.7. As a result of the GI assessment, 13 sportsmen were diagnosed with Acute Gingivitis dental disease. The mean body mass index of this group was 22.2 ± 3.49; As a result of the respiratory test, the mean value of FEV1/FVC % was found to be 85±2,22. The DMF-T index of 42 sportsmen in the third group was found to be 6.7. There was no significant difference between the oral health problems of the second group of athletes and FEV1/FVC % (P> 0,05). However, there was a significant relationship between FEV1/FVC % and oral health status of third group athletes (P = 0.038, P <0.05).
Conclusion: FEV1/FVC % decreases with poor oral health and this shows that respiratory values are affected when oral health is bad. This can affect the athlete's performance negatively.

Keywords: Periodontal disease, poor oral health, respiratory system, sportive performance, athlete

Osman Hamamcılar, Tuğba Kocahan, Bihter Akınoğlu, Adnan Hasanoğlu. Effect of poor oral health on respiratory functions which is one of the important factor of sportive performance. . 2018; 26(3): 74-79

Sorumlu Yazar: Adnan Hasanoğlu, Türkiye

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