. 2013; 21(1): 4-10

Violence against Health Care Workers

Bekir Kaplan, Rabia Er Pişkin, Banu Ayar
Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Research, Ankara, Turkey.

The purpose of this study is to draw attention of the public to the violence against health care workers.
Violence in health care institutions is a common problem in the world. The common point of studies on violence against health care workers is that violence in the health field is more than other work places and it is less taken into account. In each study it is found out that verbal violence is more than physical violence. In the researches it is found out that the groups who are most subject to violence are emergency workers or nurses. The
acts of violence are more in the emergency services during evening and in the first hour of application to the health care facilities. People who use violence are mostly patients or relatives of patients. In many countries of the world, policies have been developed to prevent violence in health care institutions and in some countries the ones who use violence to health workers are sentenced to prison.
Violence in health care institutions is a common problem. An urgent study is needed to examine the dimensions of the violence against health care workers and represent the country covering all health care workers. Also such study needs to be repeated in certain periods to determine the frequency of violence. With the help of such study, the reasons for violence need to be identified and measures need to be discussed with health care workers and professional organizations and should be put into practice.

Keywords: Violence, Health Care Workers.

Bekir Kaplan, Rabia Er Pişkin, Banu Ayar. Violence against Health Care Workers. . 2013; 21(1): 4-10

Sorumlu Yazar: Bekir Kaplan, Türkiye

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