. 1989; 2(2): 113-117

The Value of New Tumor Marker CA 15-3 in Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with Breast Cancer

Ugur Berberoglu1, Belgin Ceyhan2, Nur Erçakmak2, Veli Sezerdogdu1
1From Department of General Surgery Ankara Oncology Hospital, Ankara, Turkiye.
2From Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ankara Oncology Hospital, Ankara, Turkiye.

Serum levels of a tumor-associated antigen, designated CA 15-3, which is defined by two monoclonal antibodies, in 60 untreated breast cancer patients in various stages were determined by immunoradiometric assay. CA 15-3 levels were found to be higher than maximum level of normal control subjects (27 u/ml), in 38,4% of cases in clinical stage-11, 40% of cases in stage-III and 75% of cases in stage-IV. In order to evaluate the correlation between the clinical course and CA 15-3 levels, serial measurements were performed in 32 patients. CA 15-3 levels were lower than initial values in 75% of cases with clinical, radiological, laboratory regression, on the other hand in 87% of cases with progressive disease, CA 15-3 levels were found to be elevated. These observations indicate that CA 15-3 is a sensitive tumor marker for diagnosis and especially for monitoring of breast cancer patients.

Keywords: Breast cancer, tumor marker, CA 15-3.

Ugur Berberoglu, Belgin Ceyhan, Nur Erçakmak, Veli Sezerdogdu. The Value of New Tumor Marker CA 15-3 in Diagnosis and Monitoring of Patients with Breast Cancer. . 1989; 2(2): 113-117

Sorumlu Yazar: Ugur Berberoglu, Türkiye

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