. 1990; 3(1): 6-10

Six-Link Gripper for Cylindrical Objects

A. R. Mannaa, M. Akyurt, A. K. El-Kalay
From Mechanical Engineering Departmert, College of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The importance of concentric handling of cylindrical objects is stressed. Reliability of clamping is underscored as a criterion in gripper design. The need to develop grippers that are rugged, compact, and which are able to apply large grasping forces, in addition to satisfying the requirement of concentric gripping of cylindrical objects is emphasized. A pneumatically actuated, force-intensifying six-link gripper is introduced that also features concentric gripping. Optimization of the configuration of the gripper is described, and results are discussed. It is concluded that the optimized gripper possesses favorable features, when compared to the initial solution, as regards its operational range as well grip-force intensification characteristics. Several finger configurations for the gripper are addressed.

Keywords: Concentric gripping, design, force, gripper, link, robot.

A. R. Mannaa, M. Akyurt, A. K. El-Kalay. Six-Link Gripper for Cylindrical Objects. . 1990; 3(1): 6-10

Sorumlu Yazar: A. R. Mannaa, Saudi Arabia

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