. 1989; 2(1): 62-64

Levels of Zinc in The Cerebral Hemispheres Following Parenteral Penicillin in Rats

Cafer Marangoz, Erdal Agar, Mustafa Ayyıldız, Niyazi Tascı
From the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Türkiye.

Recognition that zinc (Zn) is a convulsant and is elevated in some seizure susceptible animals prompted this study of cerebral Zn after systemic penicillin. The distribution of Zn in the brain was investigated in rats with systemic penicillin (3 million IU/kg, i.p.) and in controls. Animals were perfused intracardially 2 h after penicillin. Brain tissues were analyzed for Zn by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. In animals, receiving i.p. penicillin hemispheric Zn was slightly elevated but not significantly different from controls. The mean zinc concentration of right hemispheres was 16.37±1.45 g/g. (wet weight) for controls and 17.74 ±1.4 g/g for epileptics. On the other hand, the mean Zn concentration of left hemispheres was 16.93 ±1.97 g/g for controls and 17.56 ±1.71 g/g for epileptics. The results indicate that there seems to be no significant relationship between penicillin induced seizures and whole cerebral Zn concentrations.

Keywords: Zinc, Cerebral hemispheres, Penicillin, Epilepsy.

Cafer Marangoz, Erdal Agar, Mustafa Ayyıldız, Niyazi Tascı. Levels of Zinc in The Cerebral Hemispheres Following Parenteral Penicillin in Rats. . 1989; 2(1): 62-64

Sorumlu Yazar: Cafer Marangoz, Türkiye

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