. 1989; 2(3): 179-181

Karyotype Analysis of Hexaploid Wheat, Triticum Aestivum L. Cv. 'Sarsabz'

Qamar Jahan, Ahsan A. Vahidy
Department of Genetics, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270 Pakistan.

Karyotype analysis of several cultivars of hexaploid wheat have been done by many different workers in past. Earlier the parameters employed were the chromosomal length and the arm ratio. After the invent of the Giemsa banding technique, C and N bands were recognized that were specific for different chromosomes. However, the inconsistencies in the banding pattern are quite common, which are due to inter and intra specific banding polymorphism and lack of standardization of banding techniques. As no karyotype analysis in any Pakistani cultivar of hexaploid wheat has been reported in the literature, the present study was undertaken to perform karyotype analysis by the conventional method in the cultivar Sarsabz. The cytological technique employed was a simplified version of the one described by Mujeeb-Kazi and Miranda (8). Chromosomes were identified on the basis of total length, arm ratio and satellites. A comparison was made with the corresponding values of cv. Chinese Spring reported by Gill (2).

Keywords: Hexaploid wheat, Triticum Aestivum. CV. Sarsabz, Karyotype analysis.

Qamar Jahan, Ahsan A. Vahidy. Karyotype Analysis of Hexaploid Wheat, Triticum Aestivum L. Cv. 'Sarsabz'. . 1989; 2(3): 179-181

Sorumlu Yazar: Qamar Jahan, Pakistan

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