. 1990; 3(1): 66-69

Use of Liyofilized Human Amniotic Membrane as Lining The Tympanic Cavities

Ergin Turan, Metin Önerci, Sefik Hosal, Ferda Akdas
From Department Otolaryngology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Türkiye.

Lyofilized amniotic membrane in 33 patients and teflon sheet in 20 patients was used as lining in tympanic cavities. Only the patients whose contralateral ears were normal were included in the study and these contralateral ears served as control group. The patients were reexplored 1 year later and the newly formed mucosa examined histologically. The middle ear pressures of the amnion lined and teflon lined ears were measured and compared statistically with each other and with the control group. Our experience shows a normal appearing mucosa in amnion lined group on reexploration 1 year later compared to the thick, less vascularised mucosa in teflon lined group. The mobility of the tympanic embrane was better in amnion lined ears (66.6%) than teflon lined ears (60%) although the difference was not found significant statistically. In the light of these findings it can be said that liofilized human amnion membrane is a good biologic material which can be used for lining the tympanic cativies.

Keywords: Human amniotic membrane, tympanic cavities, lyofilized amniotic membrane

Ergin Turan, Metin Önerci, Sefik Hosal, Ferda Akdas. Use of Liyofilized Human Amniotic Membrane as Lining The Tympanic Cavities. . 1990; 3(1): 66-69

Sorumlu Yazar: Ergin Turan, Türkiye

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