. 1991; 4(4): 330-335

Human Hydatidosis in Arbil, N. Iraq

S. E. Al-Barwari, I. S. Saeed, W. Khalid, K. I. Al-Harmni
From Collage of Medicine and Education, University of Salahaddin, Arbil, Iraq.

The status quo of hydatidosis in Arbil Province, based on outcome of surgical practice between 1980-1989, is presented. The surgical rate was 12.6 cases per annum. That inferred for the average population of Arbil throughout the period was approximately 2.8/100.000 inhabitants. The data was analyzed and discussed in relation to the distribution of the disease according to age, sex and occupation of the patients as well as to the cyst type and its location inside the body. It appears that the majority of infections were of autochthonous transmission and due to the metacestode of E. granulous. That the subpopulation most at risk are those living in intimate association with dogs' ecosystem, like the housewives. Due to limitation of surgical index in representation of actual infection with hydatid cysts, other means for detecting the sub clinical cases of the disease were recommended. It was appraised that the prevalence data thus obtained will more objectively contribute to the control and prevention campaign hydatidosis in Iraq.

Keywords: Hydatidosis, E. granulous, Arbil population

S. E. Al-Barwari, I. S. Saeed, W. Khalid, K. I. Al-Harmni. Human Hydatidosis in Arbil, N. Iraq. . 1991; 4(4): 330-335

Sorumlu Yazar: S. E. Al-Barwari, Iraq

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