. 1996; 9(2): 53-56

The Role of Infrared and Ultrasound Waves in The Treatment of Calcaneal Spur

Y. Şükrü Aydog, Alper Gökman, O. Hakan Gündüz, Halil Uçan, Metin Yücel
From Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Ankara Numune Hospital, Ankara, Türkiye.

Calcaneal spur, with its relevant symptoms of pain and irritation, is not an infrequent entity. Several therapeutic regimens approved for the treatment of calcaneal spur are: application of the spin boats, administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local steroid injections, and operative approaches.
In the present study we investigated the utility of physical therapy agents (ultrasound and infrared) in patients with calcaneal spur. The patients were treated with either infrared or infrared plus ultrasound during the study. We achieved gratifying results in both groups, but the efficiacy of ultrasound treatment was more pronounced with regard to the overall data. Especially relief of pain was more striking with ultrasound treatment.

Keywords: Calcaneal spur, ultrasound, infrared.

Y. Şükrü Aydog, Alper Gökman, O. Hakan Gündüz, Halil Uçan, Metin Yücel. The Role of Infrared and Ultrasound Waves in The Treatment of Calcaneal Spur. . 1996; 9(2): 53-56

Sorumlu Yazar: Y. Şükrü Aydog, Türkiye

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