. 1989; 2(1): 57-59

Serum Prolyl Hydroxylase Activiy in The Clinical Course of Viral Hepatitis

Tülay Bakır, Konçuy Mergen, Hasan Telatar, Sükran Karacadag
From Department of Gastroenteroloogy and Biochemistry, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkiye.

Prolyl hydroxylase activity was measured in the serum of patients with viral hepatitis and healthy individuals. Serum prolyl hydroxylase levels were maximally raised in patients with viral hepatitis during the active stage of the disease. Themcan 4396 ± 1658 cpm/min/ml compared to the values of a comparable control group (995 ± 591 cpm/min/ml). The difference between the two was statistically important (p<0.05). 8-12 weeks later this difference was no longer significant (p>0.05). It is important to note that prolyl hydroxylase activity during the course of the disease revealed a similar trend to those of transaminases and serum bilirubin levels.

Keywords: Viral hepatitis, Prolyl hydroxlase, alanine transaminase, serum bilirubin.

Tülay Bakır, Konçuy Mergen, Hasan Telatar, Sükran Karacadag. Serum Prolyl Hydroxylase Activiy in The Clinical Course of Viral Hepatitis. . 1989; 2(1): 57-59

Sorumlu Yazar: Tülay Bakır, Türkiye

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