. 1991; 4(2): 118-122

Determination of Reaction Parameters in Heavy Ion Interactions Using Track Detectors

Hameed A. Khan, Naeem A. Khan
From SSNTD-Laboratory, Nuclear Engineering Division, Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH), P.O. Nilore and COMSTECH, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan.

This paper summarizes the use of track detectors in the determination of reaction parameters in heavy ion interactions. The method is based upon an analysis of the components of two-and multi-prong events observed in the body of a track detector. This application of nuclear track detection technique has been found to have certain unique advantages over the conventional techniques in the study of multifragments emitted in the interaction of heavy ions with heavy target atoms. As an illustration, the technique has been applied in the study of the interaction of 8.12 MeVlu-208. Pb ions with Pb (natural) target atoms.

Keywords: Track detectors, heavy ion interactions, reaction parameters, elastic scattering, partial- and total-cross-sections.

Hameed A. Khan, Naeem A. Khan. Determination of Reaction Parameters in Heavy Ion Interactions Using Track Detectors. . 1991; 4(2): 118-122

Sorumlu Yazar: Hameed A. Khan, Pakistan

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