. 1988; 1(2): 109-120

Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanisms by Inversion

A. R. Mannaa, A. K. El-Kalay, M. Akyurt
From Mechanical Engineering, Department King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Inversion is presented as a method of analysis in mechanisms. Analysis of displacements is taken up first, and the relevant relationships are stated. This is followed by the analysis of kinematics. Use is made of the AL-YASEER software package for the analysis of mechanisms over a complete cycle of events. The slider-crank mechanism and its inversions, as well as the fourbar linkage are employed for demonstrating the utility of the relationships.
Inversion is applied next to mechanisms of both low and high complexity, and examples are provided for the analysis of position as well as kinematic analysis over complete cycles. Bolstered with the method of kinematic coefficients, it is concluded that inversion represents a potentially useful method for the analysis of complex mechanisms.

Keywords: Analysis, Complex, Computer-Aided, Inversion, Mechanism.

A. R. Mannaa, A. K. El-Kalay, M. Akyurt. Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanisms by Inversion. . 1988; 1(2): 109-120

Sorumlu Yazar: A. R. Mannaa, Saudi Arabia

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