Anatol J Med . 2005; 7(4): 145-148

Diyabet ve tüberkülozu olan hastaların klinik ve radyolojik özellikleri

Tülay TÖRÜN1, Gökay GÜNGÖR1, İpek ÖZMEN1, Yasemin BÖLÜKBAŞI1, Bahadır BIÇAKÇI1, Bülent ÇELİK1, Gazi GÜNDÜZ1
SSK Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul

Bu çalışmada 1999- 2002 tarihleri arasında SSK Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi' nde tedavi edilen 419 akciğer tüberkülozlu olgunun verileri geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Diyabet saptanan 67 (%16) olgunun klinik ve radyolojik bulguları, diyabetli olmayan 352 (%84) olgu ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Diyabetli grupta ortalama yaş (50.4±11.3) diyabetli olmayan gruba (36.1 ±14.5) göre ileridir (p<0.001). Diyabetli olgular arasında erkek olgu oranı ( %97), diyabetli olmayan gruba (%83.8) göre yüksektir (p=0.004). Her iki grup arasında semptomlar ve semptom süresi açısından anlamlı fark yoktur. Diyabetli olgularda yayma pozitişiği (%85.1) oranı diyabetli olmayan gruba (%68.2) göre yüksektir (p=0.005). Diyabetli olgularda alt akciğer alanlarında tutulum(%25.4), diyabetli olmayan gruba (%8.3) göre anlamlı şekilde fazladır ( p< 0.001). Diyabetli grupta olguların %47.8' inde, diyabetli olmayan grupta %31.5' inde konsolidasyon saptanmıştır (p=0.01). Diyabetli olguların 63 (%94)' ünde tedavi başarılıdır. Diyabetli olmayan grupta 317 (%90.1) olguda tedavi başarısı elde edilmiştir. Tedavi başarısı gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermemiştir (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak özellikle ileri yaş gruplarında tüberküloz ile diyabetin birlikteliği ve bu olgularda alışılmışın dışında radyolojik görünümler olabileceği ayırıcı tanıda göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bununla birlikte hastalığın tedaviye yanıt ve kür oranları diyabetli olgularda farklı değildir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: diyabet, radyoloji, tüberküloz

Clinical and radiological features of diabetic patients with tuberculosis

Tülay TÖRÜN1, Gökay GÜNGÖR1, İpek ÖZMEN1, Yasemin BÖLÜKBAŞI1, Bahadır BIÇAKÇI1, Bülent ÇELİK1, Gazi GÜNDÜZ1
SSK Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul

In this study we retrospectively evaluated 419 patients with tuberculosis treated in SSK Süreyyapaşa Center of Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery between 1999-2002. We compared the clinical and chest radiographic findings of 67 patients (16%) with pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes with those of 352 patients (84%) with pulmonary tuberculosis alone. The mean age of the diabetic group (50.4±11.3 years) was higher than that of the non-diabetic group (36.1±14.5 years). The percentage of male patients in the diabetic group (97%) was higher than that in the non-diabetic group (83.8%) (p=0.004). There was no significant difference regarding symptoms or the duration of symptoms between the two groups. The percentage of smear (+) patients were higher among diabetics (85.1%) than non-diabetics (68.2%) (p=0.005). Lower lung involvement in diabetics (25.4%) was significantly higher (8.3%) than non-diabetic group (p<0.001). More patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes developed consolidations (47.8%) than did patients with tuberculosis alone (31.5%) (p=0.01). Treatment success was achieved in 63 cases (94%) in the diabetic group and in 317 cases (90.1%) in the non-diabetic group. There was no significant difference in treatment success between the two groups (p>0.05). As a result, in older patients, the coexistence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus and the presence of In this study we retrospectively evaluated 419 patients with tuberculosis treated in SSK Süreyyapaşa Center of Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery between 1999-2002. We compared the clinical and chest radiographic findings of 67 patients (16%) with pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes with those of 352 patients (84%) with pulmonary tuberculosis alone. The mean age of the diabetic group (50.4±11.3 years) was higher than that of the non-diabetic group (36.1±14.5 years). The percentage of male patients in the diabetic group (97%) was higher than that in the non-diabetic group (83.8%) (p=0.004). There was no significant difference regarding symptoms or the duration of symptoms between the two groups. The percentage of smear (+) patients were higher among diabetics (85.1%) than non-diabetics (68.2%) (p=0.005). Lower lung involvement in diabetics (25.4%) was significantly higher (8.3%) than non-diabetic group (p<0.001). More patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes developed consolidations (47.8%) than did patients with tuberculosis alone (31.5%) (p=0.01). Treatment success was achieved in 63 cases (94%) in the diabetic group and in 317 cases (90.1%) in the non-diabetic group. There was no significant difference in treatment success between the two groups (p>0.05). As a result, in older patients, the coexistence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus and the presence of unusual radiological findings should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis. Besides that, the treatment success rate was not different in diabetic group.

Keywords: diabetes, radiology, tuberculosis

Tülay TÖRÜN, Gökay GÜNGÖR, İpek ÖZMEN, Yasemin BÖLÜKBAŞI, Bahadır BIÇAKÇI, Bülent ÇELİK, Gazi GÜNDÜZ. Clinical and radiological features of diabetic patients with tuberculosis. Anatol J Med . 2005; 7(4): 145-148

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