Instruction to Authors

Turkish Journal of Immunology (Türk immünoloji Dergisi) (e-ISSN 2147-8325) accepts original articles, case reports, short communications, invited reviews and editorial papers, on condition that they have not been published elsewhere previously but in abstract form. The editors will consider for publication all suitable papers dealing directly or indirectly with immunology. The editors also encourage submission of book reviews, reports of meetings and correspondences on subjects within the scope of immunology. The official languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Turkish Journal of Immunology is the official and periodical journal of the Turkish Society of Immunology. It is published three times a year in April, August and December.

All papers are subject to editorial revision for purpose of conformity to the style adopted by the journal. All rights of reproduction are reserved in respect of all papers published in this journal.

All manuscripts must be submitted via the online submission system after logging on to the website Authors who have any queries can contact the following addresses:

Editor in Chief
Prof. Dr. Günnur Deniz
Adress: İstanbul Üniversitesi, DETAE, İmmünoloji Anabilim Dalı, Vakıf Gureba Cad., 34393 Şehremini, İstanbul, Türkiye
Tel: 0212 - 414 20 97
Fax: 0212 - 532 41 71

Managing Editor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akif Turna
Adress: İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, 34098 Fatih, İstanbul, Türkiye
Tel: 0212 - 414 3327
Fax: 0212 - 632 8474

Only online submissions are accepted for quick peer-review and to prevent delay in publication. Manuscripts can be submitted online at www. The online system consists of four main parts: manuscript submission module (MSM), editorial module, admin module and referee module. The editorial module, admin module and referee module work on the background and will not be open to the enduser. The term module used in this document refers only to the MSM. As part of the peer-review system, authors will also receive the referee reports and can observe the current status of their manuscript(s) online. An online help is also available during the submission process.

Supported formats Supported fonts Supported images

Supported formats

Supported fonts

Supported images

.doc or .docx



(MS Office for



Windows or Macintosh)

Times New Roman

The module accepts the body of the manuscript as a whole document; thus, documents should be completed as a .doc or .docx file before submission. The supported file extensions, fonts and other formats are given in Table.

All corresponding authors should be provided a password and an username after providing the information needed. After logging on the article submission system with your own password and username, please read carefully the directions of the system to provide all needed information in order not to delay the processing of the manuscript. Attach the manuscript, all Figures, Tables and additional documents. Please also attach the coverletter with “Assignment of Copyright and Financial Disclosure” forms, check-list of below mentioned guidelines according to the type of the manuscript. All pages are supported with help menus; if you require additional help or experience a problem, please send an email to

All submissions are screened by a similarity detection software (iThenticate by CrossCheck).

The "Journal of Immunology” follows the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: Br Med J 1988;296: 401-5). Upon submission of the manuscript, authors are to indicate the type of trial/research and provide the checklist of the following guidelines when appropriate: Consort statement for randomized controlled trials (Moher D, Schultz KF, Altman D, for the CONSORT Group. The CONSORT statement revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel group randomized trials. JAMA 2001;285:1987-91), the QUOROM statement for meta-analysis and systemic reviews of randomized controlled trials (Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup DF. Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: the QUOROM statement. Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses. Lancet 1999: 354: 1896-900) and the MOOSE guidelines for metaanalysis and systemic reviews of observational studies (Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, et al. Metaanalysis of observational studies in epidemiology: a proposal for reporting Meta-analysis of observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) group. JAMA 2000;283:2008-12).

Reports of animal experiments must state that the “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care” (NIH publication No. 86-23, revised 1985) were followed, as well as specific national laws where applicable. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or for failure to fulfill the above mentioned requirements.

In a cover letter the authors should state if any of the material in the manuscript is submitted or planned for publication elsewhere in any form including electronic media. The cover letter must contain address, telephone, fax and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.

The author(s) transfer(s) the copyright to his/their article to the Turkish Journal of Immunology effective if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive and unlimited rights to reproduce and distribute the article in any form of reproduction (printing, electronic media or any other form); it also covers translation rights for all languages and countries. For U.S. authors the copyright is transferred to the extent transferable. Manuscripts must be accompanied by the “Copyright Transfer Statement”.

The manuscript, figures and tables, prepared under "Microsoft Office Word Program”, 1.5 spaced on one side of A4 sized page, with margins of at least 25 mm should be submitted. Original articles should not exceed 15 pages including the tables and figures. Brief reports should not exceed 5 pages including one figure and/or maximum two tables.

Title Page
The first page should include (i) the title of the article in a concise but informative style, (ii) first name, middle initial and last name of each author, (iii) name of department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed, (iv) name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author, (v) name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed, (vi) source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipments, drugs, etc.,(vii) a short running title of no more than 40 characters.

All manuscripts should be accompanied by a structured abstract. Word limitation is 250 words for original articles and 100 words for brief reports and case reports. The abstract should state the purpose of the study or investigation, basic procedures, methods, main findings, specific data, statistical significance and the principal conclusions.

Key Words
Three to six key words should be added at the end of the summary. The key words that will be added should be checked at Turkish Science Terms ( and listed alphabetically. Do not use abbreviations as key words. The text of an original article should be divided into sections of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Other types of articles such as case reports, reviews and perspectives will be published according to standard formats.

State concisely the purpose and rationale for the study and cite only the most pertinent references as background.

Materials and Methods
Describe your selection of the observational or experimental subjects clearly. Identify the methods and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods, brief modified methods, give reasons for using them and evaluate their limitations. Identify all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s) and route(s) of administration. Describe statistical methods in enough detail to provide a knowledgeable reader without access to the original data to evaluate the reported results. Give details about randomization, describe treatment complications, give number of observations, specify any computer program used. When reporting experiments on human subjects indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standarts of the responsible committee on human experimentation. Do not use patient’s name, initials, or registration numbers especially, on any illustrative material.

Present the detailed findings supported with statistical methods. Figures and tables should supplement, not duplicate the text; presentation of data in either one or the other will suffice. Emphasize only your important observations; do not compare your observations with those of others. Such comparisons and comments are reserved for the discussion section.

State the importance and significance of your findings but do not repeat the details given in the Results section. Limit your opinions to those strictly indicated by the facts in your report. Compare your finding with those of others. No new data are to be presented in this section.

After the discussion section, one or more statements can be made to acknowledge (i) contributions which do not justify authorship, (ii) technical help, (iii) financial and material support, specifying the nature of the support.

If the surname of the first author of the referenced article is given, “et al.” should be added after it, followed by its reference number within square brackets “[ ]” (superscript preferred), and then the sentence should be completed.

Give references in the text using Arabic numerals in brackets “[ ]” (superscript preferred).

If different references are given for different statements, each reference should be given within square brackets “[ ]” after the punctuation mark at the end of the relevant statement.

Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. List all authors and/or organizations. The titles of the journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Consult List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus. Include among the references, papers accepted but not yet published, and those submitted only, too.

Examples of References
1. Journal article:
Yazıcı H, Akogan G, Yalcin B, Muftuoglu A. The high prevalence of HLA B5 in Behçet's disease. Clin Exp Immunol 1977;30:259-61.

2. Journal article, in press:
Gudelj L, Deniz G, Rukavina D, Johnson PM, Christmas SE. Expression of functional molecules by human CD3 decidual granular leucocyte clones. Immunology 1996. [in press]

3. Journal article submitted for publication:
Akdeniz H, Ozdemirli M, Rodgers O, El-Khatib M, Shirahama T, Ju ST. Modified apoptosis [submitted for publication].

4. Complete book:
Mazza J, editor. Manual of clinical hematology. 3rd ed. Boston: Little Brown and Company; 1988.

5. Chapter of book:
Lunkens JN. Immune deficiency diseases: Inherited and acquired. In: Lee GR, L, Bithell TC, Foerster J, Athens JW, Lukens JN, editors. Wintrobe's clinical hematology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1993. p. 1676-703.

6. Abstract:
Greco C, Gandolfo GM, Alvino S, Cianciulli AM, Venturo I, Lopez M, et al. Tumor-associated MGUS (monoclonal gammopathies of uncertain significance): differences in serum levels of IL-6 (interleukin-6) and other markers. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 1993;408:1397. [Abstract]

7. Correspondence:
Ozsoylu S. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Acta Haematol (Basel) 1994;92:55. [letter]

Tables, Figures and Pictures
Tables should be created in your original word-processing software or inserted in the original file from excel or another compatible software. Please ensure the table or figure created complies with the limitations mentioned in Table. Tables created as a picture file are problematic and are not advised. Figures should be embedded in the original file, but the system also requires that they be sent separately. The supported image files are given in table. Each figure must have an accompanying legend defining abbreviations or symbols found in the figure.

Units of Measurement
Measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the international System of Units (SI), Consult SI Unit Conversion Guide, New England Journal of Medicine Books 1992, when necessary.

Abbreviations and Symbols
Use standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard abbreviation. Special characters not available on the keyboard can be accessed either from the insert menu (select symbol) or by selecting symbol as a font from the font window of the formatting toolbar. Please check these characters in your original file and proofs as the softwares tend to replace these characters with others if they are unreadable.

Peer Review
Manuscripts that have passed an initial screening by the Editors are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and/or other experts in the field. The Editors select the reviewers and make the final decision on the manuscript. Referees who review a manuscript remain unknown to the authors. Every manuscript is treated by the Editors and reviewers as privileged information, and they are instructed to exclude themselves from review of any manuscript that may involve a conflict of interest or the appearance of such.

Following initial peer-review, articles judged worthy of further consideration often require revisions. Revised manuscript generally must be received within 2 months of the date on the initial decision. Extensions must be requested from the Associate Editor at least two weeks before the 2-month revision deadline expires. Otherwise Turkish

Journal of Immunology will reject manuscripts which are not received within 2-months of the date on the initial revision decision.

All reviewers’ comments should be addressed and revisions made should be started with page and line of the text. Authors are responsible for the truth of presented data and references. The Editors have the right to withdraw or retract the paper from the scientific literature in case of proven allegations of misconduct.

A Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest form, signed by all authors, must also be submitted by fax to +90 224 2954149 or by e-mail (after scanning). Both forms can be found at the website

Authors of accepted manuscripts will receive electronic page proofs directly from the printer and are responsible for proofreading and checking the entire article, including tables, figures, and references. Page proofs must be returned within 48 hours to avoid delays in publication.

English-Language Editing
All manuscripts are professionally edited by English language editor before publication.

Online Early
Turkish Journal of Immunology publish abstracts of accepted articles online in advance of their publication in a printed issue.

Society and Journal Websites (Turkish Society of Immunology) (Turkish Journal of Immunology)

Ø Citation of published manuscripts in Turkish Journal of Immunology should be as follows:

Akkoc T, Arikan C, Ozdemir C, Bahceciler NN, Barlan IB. Mycobacterium vaccae immunization to pregnant Balb/C mice downregulated IL-5 cytokine levels in splenocyte cultures of offsprings, Turk J Immunol 2002;7:25-8.

Ø The Journal name should be abbreviated as “Turk J Immunol”

© Turkish Society of Immunology

  • Make sure that name of the author(s), information about the institution thank you letter about ethics committee etc. are not included in the study. This issue is important according to the double- blind review principle concerning the evaluation process of your work so that it can be dealt with impartially.
  • You should not forget that your study will be subject to plagiarism audit if it is deemed to be adequate and appropriate in terms of the subject and you should avoid making quotations that will be covered by plagiarism when preparing the work
  • If your article is derived from a study, a thesis, abstract of a case report, poster, etc. be sure to cite it in a footnote and specify its date.
  • Please fill out the form and upload it to the system, as you cannot proceed to the next step without uploading the copyright transfer form to your system. It is sufficient to communicate it in the online system, you do not need to communicate this information in printed form.
  • If your work has been returned to you for revision, and you have made a change in the title and summary of your work, please update it during preparation of the article
  • When the publisher send you a information note for the publication of your manuscript, you need to be sure that you carefully checked your work Once the study is published you will not be able to make any changes on it.