Instruction to Authors

Caucasian Medical Journal which has been started to be published in 2021. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The journal publishes interesting clinical and experimental research conducted in all fields of medicine, case reports and clinical images, invited reviews, editorials, letters, comments and letters to the editor. Reviews are prepared due to the invitation of editor.

Caucasian Medical Journal does not charge any article submission or processing fees.

All manuscripts submitted to the Caucasian Medical Journal are screened for plagiarism using the ‘iThenticate’ software. Articles may get rejected or returned due to the result of plagiarism controlling.

Articles in the journal are published in content pages and article title pages, as classified according to their types (research, case report, short report, review, letter to editor etc.)

English abbreviation is recorded as “Caucasian Med J”.

Peer Review Process

The manuscripts sent to Caucasian Medical Journal are firstly evaluated by the editor. Editor checks up every manuscript whether they are worth to evaluate or not, and assigns an assistant for each. If editor and the assistant find the manuscript worth to evaluate, they send it to two reviewers or one reviewer with one editorial board member for evaluation. The manuscript is not under evaluation if it is does not require the evaluation of the reviewer or editorial board members because that it has no scientific value and not original, or it does not fit to the reader population.

Scientific and ethical responsibility of the articles belong to the writer, but copyright belongs to Caucasian Medical Journal. The authors are responsible for the content and resources of the articles. The authors should send the certificate of approval (Copyright Transfer Form) with their articles which states that copyright is transferred to the journal. These certificate documents written by the authors means the writers declare their scientific responsibilities and guarantee that the study had never been published or not to be published in near future by another journal.


Original Research Articles: References and English summary are required (see writing preparation section). At most 5000 words (20 double spaced pages), 7 tables and/or figures, additionally abstract and references in English. Ethics committee approval should be added in the study.

Case Reports: For the manuscripts sent to this part, we are looking for the clinical cases that are infrequently reported in scientific literature previously, unreported clinical reflections or complications of a well known disease, unknown adverse reactions of known treatments, or case reports including scientific message that might trigger further new research, preferably. Case reports should include abstract, case and discussion. It should include 2000 words (8 double spaced pages), 15 or less references, three tables or pictures.

Abstract Reports: Researches with small numbers that have preliminary study data and findings which require further studies. References and English abstract required (see Manuscript Preparation section). At most 3000 words in length (8 double spaced pages), additionally English abstract, 15 or less references, 3 tables and/or figures. Ethics committee approval required.

Concepts: Clinical or non-clinical manuscripts about improvement of this field. References and English abstract required. At most 4000 words (16 double spaced pages), additionally Englishabstract (each less than 150 words) and references must be included.

Review Articles: Extent investigation writings including latest national and worldwide literature about public health issues. Caucasian Medical Journal publishes invited review articles. A contact with the editor should be provided before the submission of uninvited reviews. At most 5000 words (20 double spaced pages). There is no limitation about number of references. Related information is available in the following article; Burney RF, Tintinalli JE: How to write a collective review. Ann Emerg Med 1987;16:1402.

Evidence based Information: Articles that could answer to the problems of clinical and medical applications. The article should include these sections; clinical vignette, questions and problems, research and selection of the best evidence, detailed examination of the evidence and implementation of the evidence. At most 4000 words (15 double spaced pages), additional English abstract. Authors should also send the copies of the articles to the editor.

Letter to Editor: These are the articles that include opinions and solution advises about the medicine and public health issues, comments about the articles published in journal of Caucasian Medical Journal or other journals. At most 1500 words (6 double spaced pages), additionally references should be included.


There can be a maximum of 7 authors in an article.

Manuscript Submission Agreement: It is available in every new print of Caucasian Medical Journal, editorial of the journal and also found in the web site of the journal. It should be filled in all article submissions.

Cover Letter: Author, in this letter, should imply the short explanation of his research or writing, type of the study (random, double-blind, controlled etc.), the category it is sent for, whether it had been presented in a scientific meeting or not, in details. Additionally, the address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the person for contact about the writing should be present at the lower pole of the letter.

The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number of the correspondence author should be provided while sending the manuscript. A free registration can create at


Format: Preserve the copy of the manuscript you applied for. Article should be sent as 4 copies which is written as double spaced (do not use 1,5 space) on A4 paper with standard side spaces (2 cm away from each side) in format of Arial 10 point writing style. No need for printed copy for the online submissions.

Main Page: This page including title, full name of the authors, academic degree not more than two for each author, address and city of the authors at time of writing; if the manuscript was presented or excepted to be presented at any scientific meeting, the date, place and the name of that meeting (related evidence), financial support and the owner of it, if there is a consultant, the name, academic degree and address, the count of the words of article, the name, address, phone-fax numbers and e-mail address of the contact person all should be located at the bottom of the letter.

For Blind Preliminary Assessment: Be sure that no name, academic career, address or city of authors is present on the pages of article and English abstracts. The articles which don’t obey this rule can be rejected and returned.

English Abstract: Original articles and summary reports should have an abstract including hypothesis or aim, methods, results and conclusions not more than 250 words totally. English abstracts not more than 150 words should be included for concepts and case reports. Key words should be given as 3-10 pieces for any kind of writings, below the page of English abstracts. The terms found in medical topics of Index Medicus ( Medical Subject Headings, MeSH) should be used as Key words.

Statistical Tests: Studies should be assessed under the control of individuals experienced in statistics. Confidence interval and P values should be given for the results.

Contents of the Article: Research articles should include following sections;
• Introduction
• Material and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Limitations of the study
• Conclusions

Values: General standards should be obeyed considering the material, drug and laboratory result values used in study.

References: References should be written on a separate page in double spaces. References should be numbered according to the order they are used in the article. No alphabetic order should be done. For the articles referred as abstracts, it should be written in parenthesis as “abstract” for English manuscripts. Only the first five authors of a reference, the remaining ones should be implied as “et al.” for English manuscripts.The authenticity of the reference is of the responsibility of the author.


• Article: Raftery KA, Smith-Coggins R, Chen AHM. Gender-associated differences in emergency department pain management. Ann Emerg Med. 1995;26:414-21.

• For Article in Printing: Littlewhite HB, Donald JA. Pulmonary blood flow regulation in an aquatic snake. Science 2002 (in print)

• Book: Callaham ML. Current Practice of Emergency Medicine. 2nd ed. St. Luis, MO:Mosby;1991.

• Book chapter: Mengert TJ, Eisenberg MS. Prehospital and emergency medicine thrombolytic therapy. In: Tintinal-li JE, Ruiz E, Krome RL (eds). Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 4th ed. New York, NY:McGraw-Hill;1996:337-43.

• For a part of Book, If there is Editor: Mc Nab S. Lacrimal surgery. In: Willshaw H (ed). Practical Ophthalmic Surgery. NewYork: Churchill Livingstone Inc, 1992: 191-211

• Turkish book Section: Yilmaz HL. Pediatric Emergency Architecture. Including: Karaböcüoğlu M, Yılmaz HL, Duman M (ed.ler). Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Comprehensive and Easy Approach. 1. Edition. İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi, 2012:7-13

• If editors are also the writers of the text or the texts in the book: First the name of the text cited and the name of the book is written with the words starting with Capital letters: Diener HC, Wilkinson M (editors). Drug-induced headac-he. In Headache. First ed., New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988: 45-67

• For citation from Translated Book: Milkman HB, Sederer LI. Treatment Options in Alcoholism and Substence Abuse. Doğan Y, Özden A, İzmir M (Çevirenler) 1. Edition, Ankara: Ankara University Publish House, 1994: 79-96

• For Congress Reports: Felek S, Kılıç SS, Akbulut A, Yıldız M. A Case of Shigellosis accompanied by Visual Hallucination.

XXVI. Turkish Microbiology

• Un-published Courses, Presentations: Sokolove PE, Needlesticks and high-risk exposure. Course lecture presented at: American College of Emergency Physicians, Scientific Assembly, October 12, 1998, San Diego, CA.

• For citation from a Thesis study: Kılıç C. General Health Survey: Reliability and Validity Study. Un-published Proficiency Thesis, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Ankara: 1992

• Internet: Fingland MJ. ACEP opposes the House GOP managed care bill. American College of Emergency Physici-ans Web site. Available at: August 26,1999.

• Personal Consultancy: Avoid referring to Personal Consultants. However if it is very inevitable, record the name, academic degree, date and send a letter which ensures the approval of consultant person that we could use this knowledge.

Tables: Tables should be legible summarizing the data. Data in the table should not be present in the text of the article. Table numerization should be respectively as located in the text. A sentence pointing the table should be present in the text. Each table should be sent as located one table in one page order after “References” page. Page site rules should be obeyed while the tables are prepared. Be sure that each table is referred in the text. Graphics, figures and tables in the text should be numbered by “Arabic” numbers. Each table should be printed in a separate page as double spaced.
A short title should be set for each table by numerating them in the order as they are in the text. MS Tables should be prepared due to “table classic1” or “table simple 1” automatic table options of Word 2000 end further versions. Authors should write explanations in footnotes, not in titles. All abbreviations which are not standard should be explained in footnotes. The following symbols should be used for the footnotes respectively: (*,+,^,§,ii,l,**,++,^^).

Figures/Pictures: Information in the Figure/Picture should not be repeated in the text. A sentence pointing out the figure/picture should be present in the text. Pictures should be recorded in EPS or TIF format. Colorful pictures must be at least 300 DPI, pictures in grey tone at least 300 DPI and drawings at least 1200 DPI resolution.


Original Article: Articles which include new information and data should not have been printed in another scientific journal before or should not have been applied to any journal, to be printed. This limitation is not valid for the studies that have been presented as a summary in previous scientific meeting or congress.

More than One Author: All of the authors included in the article share the responsibility of the information and duties during the steps of preparation of the article.

Statistical Editor: All articles including statistical analysis should be consulted to a statistical consultant. One of the authors or someone other than authors who is experienced and licensed in statistics should take the responsibility of this analysis. The name of the person used for statistical analysis should be specified on the main page.

Random Controlled Studies: This journal favors these kind of studies.

Permissions: Any picture, table etc. in the article, if it has been published in any scientific journal or book before, a document must be provided regarding the availability of them.

Ethics Committee Approval: Authors should get the written approval forms from editor assessment board (research ethical board), if their study requires research on human and animals.


Preliminary Evaluation: Journal applies blind preliminary assessment for all article types. All articles are examined by journal editor and the appropriate ones are sent to consultants (editor assistants) for preliminary assessment. The writings that are sent from the editor of journal directly to the writer can not be printed in Caucasian Journal of Medicine. The duration period between the application and the preliminary assessment time is maximum 15 days. Letter informing the status about writing is reported by editor to the author, in this period. The articles which are found inappropriate are not sent back.

All articles are assessed by editors regarding the journal writing rules and scientific contents. When necessary, required changes in the writing are reported to the author in a written letter by editors.

Manuscript Responsibility: Authors take all the responsibility of the information included in their printed articles. The journal takes no responsibility of the article. Authors take a copy of the printed article.

Publication Rights: The full text or a section of the article printed in journal, pictures or tables in the article can not be printed in another journal without information and written permission of the editor of Caucasian Journal of Medicine.

Necessary Information: Journal editors can request the basic data about the article from the author to investigate, when necessary. Therefore, essentially the address and other communication data should exist on the main page.

Addition: Editorial board can make changes in the writing by taking permission of the authors. Editor and language editor are completely authorized about the language, spelling and references and similar subjects to be written as they are in Index Medicus.

After the article is sent to be published, none of the authors could be deleted from the list without the written permission by all other authors, and no new name could be added and the author order can not be changed as well.

Measurement units: The length, weight and volume units should be reported in metric system (meter, kilogram, liter) and decimal multiples of them. Temperature should be in Celsius degree and blood pressure be millimeters-Mercury (mmHg). Both local and international unit systems (SI, International System of Units) should be specified as measure units. Drug concentrations will be given as SI or mass unit, it may be given as an option in parenthesis.

Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only the standard abbreviations, non-standard abbreviations might be confusing for the reader. Abbreviations must be avoided in titles. Unless it is a standard measure unit, abbreviations should be open in the first writing and abbreviation in parenthesis should be given as well.

Acknowledgement(s): At the end of the writing, acknowledgement(s) section should be located before references. In this part, individuals participating the content, order and statistical analysis of data of article during its preparation might be mentioned.

Addition to References: Monotype rules have basically accepted an ANSI standard type adopted by American National Library of Medicine (NLM). Authors may apply to the website address of “ ” for seeing examples of citation in reference.

Journal names should be abbreviated as seen in Index Medicus. The “List of Journals Indexed” in Index Medicus, which is a yearly published list and which takes place in the January edition of Index Medicus as a list, might also be a reference to look. The list is also available at “ ” website.