Volume: 29  Issue: 5 - May 2023
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Pages I - VII

2.Effects of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate on acute radiation proctitis in rats
Mehmet Yoldas, Tayfun Yoldas, İlhami Solak, Cemil Calıskan, Samed Cin, Basak Doganavsargil, Murat Sezak, Senem Alanyali, Tuba Kuvvet Yoldas
PMID: 37145048  PMCID: PMC10277333  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.61582  Pages 547 - 552
Abstract | Full Text PDF

3.The role of repeated extended FAST in patients with stable blunt thoracoabdominal trauma
Mümin Murat Yazıcı, Özcan Yavaşi, Ali Çelik, Gürkan Altuntaş, Mehmet Altuntaş, Özlem Bilir, Gökhan Ersunan
PMID: 37145041  PMCID: PMC10277323  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.93529  Pages 553 - 559
Abstract | Full Text PDF

4.Comparison of demographic and clinical characteristics between pandemic and pre-pandemic period in non-COVID intensive care units: a retrospective study
Yusuf Özgüner, Savas Altinsoy, Yasemin Ermiş, Funda Atar, Mehmet Murat Sayin, Julide Ergil
PMID: 37145054  PMCID: PMC10277330  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.14957  Pages 560 - 565
Abstract | Full Text PDF

5.Evaluation of systemic immune-inflammation index efficacy in predicting complicated appendicitis in pediatric emergency department
Aysun Tekeli, Mehmet Bahadır Çalışkan, Gökhan Berktuğ Bahadır, Övgücan Karadağ Erdemir
PMID: 37145053  PMCID: PMC10277329  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.42472  Pages 566 - 573
Abstract | Full Text PDF

6.Esophageal dilation through bouginage or balloon catheters in children, as the treatment of benign esophageal strictures: results, considering the etiology, and the methods
Ender Fakıoglu, Lütfi Hakan Güney, İbrahim Ötgün
PMID: 37145049  PMCID: PMC10277326  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.03881  Pages 574 - 581
Abstract | Full Text PDF

7.Comparison of percutaneous gallbladder aspiration with percutaneous cholecystostomy in acute cholecystostomy patients. Can gall bladder aspiration alone be sufficient?
Ümmihan Topal, Süleyman Sönmez, Sevinc Dağistanlı
PMID: 37145044  PMCID: PMC10277334  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.36443  Pages 582 - 589
Abstract | Full Text PDF

8.Predictive value of sphericity index and other multidetector computed tomography findings in perforated acute appendicitis
Özlem Akıncı
PMID: 37145042  PMCID: PMC10277335  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.45383  Pages 590 - 595
Abstract | Full Text PDF

9.Electric scooters as a silent source of danger in increasing use among young people: a single-center in-depth accident analysis
Necdet Demir, Mehmet Dokur, Özgür Agdoğan, Suna Koc, Mehmet Karadağ, İbrahim Fikri Dokur
PMID: 37145052  PMCID: PMC10277324  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.15507  Pages 596 - 604
Abstract | Full Text PDF

10.The correlation between hemostatic blood parameters and sepsis in patients with gunshot wounds referred to a training and research hospital
Derya Can, Mehmet Eryılmaz
PMID: 37145055  PMCID: PMC10277328  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.37734  Pages 605 - 612
Abstract | Full Text PDF

11.The use of the extracorporeally prepared hand-made endo-loop technique in laparoscopic appendectomy
Tuba Atak
PMID: 37145050  PMCID: PMC10277332  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2023.86650  Pages 613 - 617
Abstract | Full Text PDF

12.Intra-abdominal packing does not increase infection risk or mandate longer presumptive antibiotic therapy
Parker Hu, Rindi Uhlich, Virginia Pierce, Thomas Cox, Jeffrey Kerby, Patrick Bosarge
PMID: 37145040  PMCID: PMC10277336  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.64438  Pages 618 - 626
Abstract | Full Text PDF

13.Subgroups and differences of fixation in 3-part proximal humerus fractures
Taner Bekmezci, Serdar Kamil Çepni
PMID: 37145051  PMCID: PMC10277327  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.95482  Pages 627 - 632
Abstract | Full Text PDF

14.Incarcerated obturator hernia, an extremely rare cause of intestinal obstruction: case series
İsmail Aydın, Ilker Sengul, Selahattin Vural, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Demet Sengul
PMID: 37145045  PMCID: PMC10277325  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.42361  Pages 633 - 637
Abstract | Full Text PDF

15.Emergency approach in a rare congenital coexistence-ichthyosis and amniotic band syndrome
İlker Uyar, Sibel Burçak Sahin Uyar
PMID: 37145046  PMCID: PMC10277331  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.34663  Pages 638 - 640
Abstract | Full Text PDF

16.Wunderlich syndrome secondary to ureteropelvic junction obstruction
Necmi Bayraktar
PMID: 37145043  PMCID: PMC10277337  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.54502  Pages 641 - 643
Abstract | Full Text PDF

17.Report of a case mimicking the acute appendicitis; Small bowel perforation due to olive leaf
İsmail Tırnova, Özkan Balçın, Pınar Taşar
PMID: 37145047  PMCID: PMC10277338  doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2022.47280  Pages 644 - 646
Abstract | Full Text PDF