. 2022; 38(3): 154-160

An Overview of Anesthetic Agents Used in Anesthesia Practices Today

Munire Canan Cicek1, Rasim Onur Karaoğlu1, Mehmet Nuri Yakar2, Namigar Turgut1
1University of Health Seciences, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey
2Dokuz Eylül University, Medical Faculty, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Izmir, Turkey

The process, which started with the discovery of the anesthetic properties of diethyl ether by William Morton in 1846, as the beginning of anesthesia and inhalation anesthesia in the medical world, continued to develop with the discovery of many anesthetic agents. Sevoflurane and desflurane were developed towards the end of the 1960s. They are among the most preferred inhalation anesthetics today. Intravenous (i.v.) anesthetics also continue to evolve with the advancement of pharmacology. New agents will allow us to leave the traditional understanding of anesthesia in the background and allow us to respond more appropriately to the increasing elderly population and increasing population with minimal effects on recovery time and cardiovascular side effects.

Keywords: Inhalation anesthetics, Intravenous anesthetics, General anesthesia

Munire Canan Cicek, Rasim Onur Karaoğlu, Mehmet Nuri Yakar, Namigar Turgut. An Overview of Anesthetic Agents Used in Anesthesia Practices Today. . 2022; 38(3): 154-160

Sorumlu Yazar: Namigar Turgut, Türkiye

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